Dear *Gema Ram?rez*

> but we convinced them to use Arink's version. They are happy to
> contribute the skin, with the same license of the source code.

That's good to hear. ^_^

where do you want us to release the code?

Actually I have made repo on GitHub instead, i.e.

Arink, right now support mail is pointint to you mail, as this is just
> a skin, should we keep it or do you prefer not to receive it and
> redirect it to, for example, this list?

Redirecting it to the list is very useful, as more eyes can view the bugs
to help it.

And another question out of this: do you have plans to upload the
> current app to Google Play?

I do have plan to put it on Google Play but I havent worked on that yet due
some engagment in other works.

Yours Arink
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