Dear Apertium Stuff,

I have found this mail list about aperium in general. Maybe I am at the wrong 
place, please forgive me in this case, and help me to find sub channels.

There is a need to make an offline translation from German to English with java 
projects. I have download from GIT lltoolbox-java and able to create jar by 
maven build. Also was able to run ‘lt-comp” with “lr” or “rl”, finally tried to 
“lt-proc” with simple words, like: white, hello, etc. The ENG-DEU module was 
also fetched from GIT (nersery), and got compiled:

Some of my attempts to compile eng-due:
CF:lttoolbox-java leva$ java -jar target/lttoolbox.jar lt-comp lr 
/Users/leva/Downloads/apertium-eng-deu.eng-deu.dix eng-deu.bin
CF:lttoolbox-java leva$ java -jar target/lttoolbox.jar lt-comp rl 
/Users/leva/Downloads/apertium-eng-deu.eng-deu.dix deu-eng.bin
CF:lttoolbox-java leva$ ls -al
-rw-r--r--   1 leva  staff  1647022 Aug 17 15:21 deu-eng.bin
-rw-r--r--   1 leva  staff  1562679 Aug 17 15:21 eng-deu.bin

CF:lttoolbox-java leva001$ echo "about" | java -jar target/lttoolbox.jar 
lt-proc -e eng-deu.bin2
Warning: Decomposition symbol <:compound:only-L> not found
Warning: Decomposition symbol <:compound:R> not found

May I ask some help why is not able to trigger translator?
(In a further step I would like to trigger language translation from a java 
project? Is this possible with lltoolbox.jar as a library?)

Many thanks in advance,

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