Greetings Apertiumers! It occurred to me recently that one of the slowest parts of dictionaries to compile (regular expressions) tends to overlap the parts that are most often similar across different languages (email addresses, dates, numbers), so I added a tool for merging binary files and have started gathering shareable entries into
It currently has web stuff (emails, urls, filenames, etc - copied from apertium-cat) and punctuation. If you want to try it out, you can add it to a language with In PKG_CHECK_MODULES(APERTIUM_SHARED, apertium-shared >= 0.0.1) PKG_CHECK_VAR([SHARESRC], [apertium-shared], [srcdir]) In $(LANG1).automorf.bin: .deps/$(LANG1).automorf.bin $(SHARESRC)/shared-mono-lr.bin lt-append -k $^ $@ And rename existing $(LANG1).automorf.bin to .deps/$(LANG1).automorf.bin and similarly for autogen.bin and shared-mono-rl.bin. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions (I'll probably add dates and a bidix component, I just haven't gotten there yet). Daniel
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