The Apache Directory Team is proud to announce the availability of version
1.0.0-RC1 of the Apache Directory LDAP API.

The Apache Directory LDAP API is an ongoing effort to provide an enhanced
LDAP API, as a replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap and
Mozilla LDAP API).

This is a schema aware API, with some convenient ways to access a LDAP
server. This API is not only targeting the Apache Directory Server, but
should work pristine with any LDAP server.

It's also an extensible API : new Controls, schema elements and network
layer could be added or used in the near future. It's also OSGi capable.
The proposed release is a first step toward a GA, we have fixed numerous
issues that were pending.

Here is the list of fixed issues and added features :

Bugs :

  - DIRAPI-243 <>
<> -
    Cannot get AttributeType from Attribute
  - DIRAPI-244 <>
<> -
    Error in loading schema
  - DIRAPI-249 <>
<> -
    Performance issue LDAP API 1.0.0-M31
  - DIRAPI-265 <>
<> -
    Deserialized Dn loses bytes field resulting in null dn, treated as
    Root DSE when encoded in ModifyRequests
  - DIRAPI-266 <>
<> -
    ResultCodeEnum 'NO_SUCH_OBJECT' should have message 'noSuchObject'
  - DIRAPI-273 <>
<> -
    api-ldap-net-mina bundle remains in STARTING mode
  - DIRAPI-274 <>
<> -
    The AttributeTypeHolder.toLdif method does not convert the m-usage
    Attribute correctly
  - DIRAPI-275 <>
<> -
    Many AttributeType are defined with the wrong m-usage
  - DIRAPI-280 <>
<> -
    The LdapNetworkConnection.getTimeout() method is wrong

*Improvements :*

  - DIRAPI-282 <>
<> -
    Detection of timeout in

*New Features :*

  - DIRAPI-269 <>
<> -
    Add support for modular crypt format password

*Tasks :*

  - DIRAPI-270 <>
<> -
    Remove the dependency on

Website :
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User's Guide :

Emmanuel LĂ©

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