
the attached files contain my review notes for r17..22.

In case you miss the files for r19 and r20: that's intentional, those 
commits look so good that I don't need to comment on them ;-)


Christian Boltz
Jungs. Mit dem Argument kann ich kaputte Autos verkaufen und dann
erklären, daß Fahrradfahren eh viel gesünder ist.
[Peer Heinlein in postfixbuch-users]
=== modified file 'apparmor/aa.py'
--- apparmor/aa.py	2013-07-08 22:16:26 +0000
+++ apparmor/aa.py	2013-07-17 15:08:13 +0000
@@ -619,28 +624,36 @@
 def set_profile_flags(prof_filename, newflags):
     """Reads the old profile file and updates the flags accordingly"""
     regex_bin_flag = re.compile('^(\s*)(("??\/.+?"??)|(profile\s+("??.+?"??)))\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*\{\s*$/')
-    regex_hat_flag = re.compile('^(\s*\^\S+)\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*\{\s*$')
+    regex_hat_flag = re.compile('^([a-z]*)\s+([A-Z]*)((\s+#\S*)*)\s*$')

### this looks superfluous because it's overwritten two lines below

+    a=re.compile('^([a-z]*)\s+([A-Z]*)((\s+#\S*)*)\s*$')

### a is not used anywhere in the function

+    regex_hat_flag = re.compile('^(\s*\^\S+)\s+(flags=\(.+\)\s+)*\{\s*(#*\S*)$')

### (regex_hat_flag overwritten here)

     if os.path.isfile(prof_filename):
         with open_file_read(prof_filename) as f_in:
-            with open_file_write(prof_filename + '.new') as f_out:
+            tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', prefix=prof_filename , delete=False, dir='/etc/apparmor.d/')

### Looks quite good. A small detail is missing - please add   suffix='~'   to make sure 
### a profile in a tempfile is not loaded when someone calls "rcapparmor reload"

@@ -654,3 +667,240 @@
+def sync_profile():
+def submit_created_profiles(new_profiles):
+def submit_changed_profiles(changed_profiles):
+def yast_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, profiles_up):
+def console_select_and_upload_profiles(title, message, profiles_up):
+def set_profile_local_only(profs):

### those functions are about the profile repo and currently unused.
### a comment saying that would be nice
### (or move them to a separate file, maybe profilerepo.py)

+def handle_children(profile, hat, root):
+    entries = root[:]
+    for entry in entries:

### looks like the code to handle the children is still missing ;-)

=== added file 'apparmor/ui.py'
--- apparmor/ui.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ apparmor/ui.py	2013-07-17 15:08:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+def init_localisation():
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+    #cur_locale = locale.getlocale()
+    filename = 'res/messages_%s.mo' % locale.getlocale()[0][0:2]

### [0:2] means locales like pt_BR won't be used (only pt, which might be different).
### I doubt this is intentional.

+def UI_Info(text):
+    if DEBUGGING:
+        debug_logger.info(text)

### debug_logger should check DEBUGGING itsself to avoid all the "if DEBUGGING:" conditions
### even if this means you'll need a small wrapper around debug_logger - but on the long term it makes the code more readable

+def UI_YesNo(text, default):
+    if DEBUGGING:
+        debug_logger.debug('UI_YesNo: %s: %s %s' %(UI_mode, text, default))
+    ans = default
+    if UI_mode == 'text':
+        yes = '(Y)es'
+        no = '(N)o'
+        usrmsg = 'PromptUser: Invalid hotkey for'
+        yeskey = 'y'
+        nokey = 'n'

### can you honor translations please?
### for example, in german it should be (j)a / (n)ein

+        sys.stdout.write('\n' + text + '\n')
+        if default == 'y':

### better:   if default == yeskey   - avoids problems when using translations

+            sys.stdout.write('\n[%s] / %s\n' % (yes, no))
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write('\n%s / [%s]\n' % (yes, no))
+        ans = readkey()
+        if ans:
+            ans = ans.lower()
+        else:
+            ans = default
+    else:
+        SendDataTooYast({
+                         'type': 'dialog-yesno',
+                         'question': text
+                         })
+        ypath, yarg = GetDataFromYast()
+        ans = yarg['answer']
+        if not ans:
+            ans = default
+    return ans

### ans can be anything, not just yeskey and nokey
### if something else (= invalid key) is entered, the function should ask again
### (see UI_YesNoCancel which does exactly that)

+def UI_YesNoCancel(text, default):
+    if DEBUGGING:
+        debug_logger.debug('UI_YesNoCancel: %s: %s %s' % (UI_mode, text, default))
+    if UI_mode == 'text':
+        yes = '(Y)es'
+        no = '(N)o'
+        cancel = '(C)ancel'
+        yeskey = 'y'
+        nokey = 'n'
+        cancelkey = 'c'

### should honor translations

+CMDS = {
+        'CMD_ALLOW': '(A)llow',
+        'CMD_OTHER': '(M)ore',

### do all those options honor translations?

=== added file 'apparmor/yasti.py'
--- apparmor/yasti.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ apparmor/yasti.py	2013-07-17 15:08:13 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+def SendDataToYast(data):
+    for line in sys.stdin:
+            Return(data)
+            return True

### two return statements?

+def GetDataFromYast():
+            Return('true')
+            return ypath, yarg

### again - two return statements?

+def ParseTerm(input):
+        ycp.y2error('No term parantheses')

### typo: par_e_ntheses

=== modified file 'apparmor/config.py'
--- apparmor/config.py	2013-07-08 22:16:26 +0000
+++ apparmor/config.py	2013-07-17 21:41:05 +0000

+def py2_parser(filename):
+    tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('rw')
+    f_out = open(tmp.name, 'w')
+    if os.path.exists(filename):
+        with open_file_read(filename) as f_in:
+            for line in f_in:
+                if line[:2] == '  ':
+                    line = line[2:]

### this will fail if someone has for example three spaces ;-)
### why don't you just trim() all lines?

+                f_out.write(line)
+    f_out.flush()
+    return tmp

=== modified file 'Testing/severity_test.py'
--- Testing/severity_test.py	2013-07-17 15:08:13 +0000
+++ Testing/severity_test.py	2013-07-18 13:47:43 +0000
+        # Load all variables for /sbin/klogd and test them
+        s.load_variables('/etc/apparmor.d/sbin.klogd')

### please avoid using system-wide files in tests
### the best option here is to use the profiles in bzr/tarball
### which means something like '../../profiles/apparmor.d/sbin.klogd'

         self.assertEqual(s.rank('@{PROC}/sys/vm/overcommit_memory', 'r'), 6, 'Invalid Rank')
         self.assertEqual(s.rank('@{HOME}/sys/@{PROC}/overcommit_memory', 'r'), 10, 'Invalid Rank')
         self.assertEqual(s.rank('/overco@{multiarch}mmit_memory', 'r'), 10, 'Invalid Rank')
-        self.assertEqual(s.rank('@{PROC}/sys/@{TFTP_DIR}/overcommit_memory', 'r'), 6, 'Invalid Rank')
+        #self.assertEqual(s.rank('@{PROC}/sys/@{TFTP_DIR}/overcommit_memory', 'r'), 6, 'Invalid Rank')

### what's the reason for disabling this line?

=== modified file 'apparmor/severity.py'
--- apparmor/severity.py	2013-07-08 22:16:26 +0000
+++ apparmor/severity.py	2013-07-18 13:47:43 +0000
@@ -202,4 +180,34 @@
+    def load_variables(self, prof_path):

+                    line = line.strip()
+                    # If any includes, load variables from them fitst
+                    if '#include' in line:

### line.startswith() would be a better test
### BTW: the # is optional - 'include' is also valid

+                        new_path = line.split('<')[1].rstrip('>').strip()

### rstrip('>') will probably fail if there are inline comments

+                    else:
+                        if line.startswith('@') and '=' in line:
+                            if '+=' in line:
+                                line = line.split('+=')
+                                try:
+                                    self.severity['VARIABLES'][line[0]] += [i.strip('"') for i in line[1].split()]

### what happens if line contains an inline comment?

+                            else:
+                                line = line.split('=')
+                                if line[0] in self.severity['VARIABLES'].keys():
+                                    raise AppArmorException("Variable %s was previously declared" % line[0])
+                                self.severity['VARIABLES'][line[0]] = [i.strip('"') for i in line[1].split()]

### again - what about inline comments?
=== added file 'Testing/config_test.py'
--- Testing/config_test.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ Testing/config_test.py	2013-07-18 19:14:55 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_IniConfig(self):
+        ini_config = config.Config('ini')
+        conf = ini_config.read_config('logprof.conf')

### does this test use the system-wide logprof.conf in /etc/apparmor/ ?
### (if yes: bad idea ;-)

+    def test_ShellConfig(self):
+        ini_config = config.Config('shell')
+        conf = ini_config.read_config('easyprof.conf')

### same here - easyprof.conf from /etc/apparmor/ ?

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