Hello Michael, all,

 Last night while I surf in Internet I need to see one ASCII number.Anyway
I go to google.com and search for "ASCII table" - the first link that it
gives me was :


 I saw what I need, but I also saw how many entity names there are.
Honestly I didn't know there are so many. To my great surprise Links
shows them very well - as good as it can for text browser <G> I decide to
save page and to see what will show other browsers that I have.
 Unfortunately Arachne shows it very poor :( It supports only : &sp ,
&quot , &amp , &lt , &gt , &nbsp and maybe something more that I miss, but
this is too little. The big problem for me is that unknown "entityes" are
shown as one (first) letter after & (amp). For example one common used is
&copy - Arachne displays only one  c  . At first I didn't know is this
a bug (I wonder to CC this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or not), but I see in
specification of HTML4, downloaded from w3c.org, that all special
entity names are specified. So if you want Arachne to more compatible
with specifications, I think it's good to add support for all entity

 BTW Opera 5.02 also support very little entity names, but more than

 Now I see that Lynx support the same entity names as Links, so I think
Links' author takes them from Lynx.

  (who use &copy; in his homepage)

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