The last few weeks I've been working hard on getting useful packages
built for GNOME 2.19. The result is a repository of i686 packages with
full debug symbols included, available on most archlinux mirrors. At
this moment the latest available prerelease packages have been packaged.

If you are interested, please give this repository a try. The packages
are beta quality, the software is feature and UI frozen, so it's time to
polish the bugs. The packages have been built against testing, though
they should work also with a current system. To use this repository, add
this on top of the repository list in pacman.conf:

Server = ftp://[insert your mirror]/gnome/os/i686

Upgrades can be done with a regular pacman -Syu, just like any other

Have fun testing, and be sure to install bug-buddy to submit any crashes
you get upstream. Please report packaging errors in flyspray so they can
be fixed before the packages enter the distribution in the final state.

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