On Tuesday 15 March 2011 23:23:43 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> openmpi rebuild is end and packages are in [testing]. poppler is only
> missing two packages. We can start!
Packages moved in [testing].
On Wednesday 16 March 2011 20:27:44 Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Hi guys,
> please signoff 2.6.38 series for both arches.
> Upstream
> changes:
> http://kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges
> Features included:
> - kernel image is now xz compressed
> - NUMA is enabled on x86_64
> - AUTOSCHED (aka the
On Tuesday 15 March 2011 13:28:46 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> Agree let's wait until the other rebuilds are done.
openmpi rebuild is end and packages are in [testing]. poppler is only missing
two packages. We can start!
Yes, we have to do this again guys.
In this new release MySQL bumped the client library:
libmysqlclient.so.16 -> libmysqlclient.so.18
libmysqlclient_r.so.16 -> libmysqlclient_r.so.18
I re-used the old MySQL TODO list to create a new one, but is better if we
wait that some rebuild currently in pr
On Wednesday 09 March 2011 10:06:03 Stéphane Gaudreault wrote:
> Would it be possible to move it into [core] please ?
signoff x86_64 and moved.
Hi all,
is there any objection if I add kdevelop-php, kdevelop-php-docs and kdevelop-
pg-qt to [extra]?
kdevelop-php is usable and it has 54 votes in AUR.
Also, I'd like to move oxygen-gtk from [community].
On Friday 04 March 2011 00:03:58 Gaetan Bisson wrote:
> Could someone with access to [core] move dnsutils and idnkit from
> [testing] to there? Thanks.
On Tuesday 22 February 2011 20:06:17 Andreas Radke wrote:
> This could be a solution if upstream won't support it until then. You
> should also remove the redland/raptor dependency in this case.
Forgot it. The redland backend is used by kdelibs, digikam and others apps to
store nepomuk information
On Wednesday 23 February 2011 18:51:25 Allan McRae wrote:
> Additional packages:
> [extra]
> kdegraphics-gwenview
> kdegraphics-libs
> koffice-krita
> strigi
> [community]
> kphotoalbum
I'm rebuilding kdegraphics, also I created a TODO list for this rebuild.
On Tuesday 22 February 2011 19:28:34 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> It loses the RedLand backend which is needed for the Nepomuk integration.
Oh, I forgot to say that isn't the only one backend, neither is the default.
We could disable it and when KDE 4.6.1 will be out 1st March, I could
On Tuesday 22 February 2011 17:54:40 Andreas Radke wrote:
> I've updated soprano in trunk to make it build against the new versions
> in staging. It compiles but I'm not sure if it works.
> Can a kde maintainer please test the soprano rebuild with locally
> installed packages raptor1/raptor/rasq
New upstream release in [testing], with a lot of bug fixes.
Full changelog:
Added LDIF line wrapping setting (ITS#6645)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6714,ITS#6742,ITS#6790,ITS#6791)
Added MozNSS support (ITS#6802,ITS#6811,ITS#6816,ITS#5696)
Added libldap cert x500Uniqu
On Friday 04 February 2011 16:41:06 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> AFAIK 5.5.9 haven't setted a release day yet, so can we move this and
> then wait for the 5.5.9?, I think doing this rebuild and wait for
> 5.5.9 without know if it will be released on two months or so is too
> much, if somebody know when
On Friday 04 February 2011 19:55:29 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> I ate that 'd' from Stored, thanks Dan and Andrea, for the
> corrections, I will be doing the announcement and the move tomorrow
> morning at 11:00 am ART
Then can I push mysql -8 on [testing] now with those 2 patches?
> Good luck with y
On Friday 04 February 2011 19:45:23 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> New draft:
> MySQL 5.5 is now in [extra]. This is a major version upgrade from the
> 5.1 editions previously in the repositories. Archive, Blackhole, and
> Federated engine support are no longer included in this package, since
> is not
On Friday 04 February 2011 16:41:06 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> Talking with Andrea on irc he told to us (Ionut, me and the rest who
> were present) that he would like to wait until 5.5.9 is out.
> AFAIK 5.5.9 haven't setted a release day yet, so can we move this and
> then wait for the 5.5.9?, I t
On Saturday 22 January 2011 20:13:16 Ronald van Haren wrote:
> In testing for both architectures. Please signoff.
> Ronald
> Arch changes: remove patch which is now upstream
> Upstream changes:
> This version of iproute2 utilities intended for use with 2.6.37 or
> later kernel, but should be
On Saturday 22 January 2011 20:16:04 Ronald van Haren wrote:
> Simple bugfix release. Please signoff.
> For detailed upstream changelog see [1], there is no easy way to copy it
> here.
Signoff x86_64
On Wednesday 26 January 2011 17:51:09 Stéphane Gaudreault wrote:
> * Upgrade to 20101006 (this release fix the security issue CVE-2010-2529).
> Complete changelog here :
> http://www.linux-ipv6.org/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=gitroot/iputils.git;a=blob_pla
> * As a workaround for
On Thursday 27 January 2011 22:29:46 Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Hi guys,
> please signoff 2.6.37 series for both arches.
> Upstream
> changes:
> http://kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges
> Features included:
> - modules are now gzipped, this saves 70MB disk space
On Wednesday 26 January 2011 16:23:46 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> Why partition table plugin was disabled? any particular reason?
I talked with some MySQL dev and they said that their usage is very low, do we
need them?
On Monday 24 January 2011 10:52:30 Dan McGee wrote:
> One more for x86_64 would be good since I don't actually use this package.
Signoff x86_64
On Thursday 13 January 2011 15:20:43 Allan McRae wrote:
> Upstream bug fix/security release.
> Signoff both,
> Allan
I'm still able to use sudo here. Signoff x86_64
On Tuesday 04 January 2011 12:16:04 Gaetan Bisson wrote:
> Personally I think unrar is sufficient for most people so I don't think
> we need to package a program with such strict licensing terms.
I think that we don't need rar in our repos too.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
checking the version.
Yes, a list would be useful Pierre.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
tfix commands
> is this because I did not do whatever the post_update() message
> suggested I do?
Hi, this seems an upstream bug.
MySQL 5.5.8 breaks postfix, dovecot, amarok and maybe others...
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=109002
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
mysql.time_zone_name OK
mysql.time_zone_transition OK
mysql.user OK
Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'...
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
to run MySQL in
> skip grant table mode once and perform mysql_upgrade with that.
I see. I'll fix the post_install message. Should I do an announcement?
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
ggestion for my.cnf?
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On Tuesday 21 December 2010 16:16:57 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> I am trying to update mysql to 5.5.8. It uses cmake now.
> I built and successfully installed it on my system. It seems to work, but I
> won't broke any Arch Linux system and I want to know the right procedure on
a message to post_update() for this.
[1] http://dev.archlinux.org/~andrea/pkgs/mysql/PKGBUILD
[2] http://dev.archlinux.org/~andrea/pkgs/mysql/
[3] http://dev.archlinux.org/~andrea/pkgs/mysql/svn.diff
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On Tuesday 14 December 2010 15:36:47 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> Thanks, looks ok. When I back home I'll fix the kde-unstable packages path
> to use trunk-unstable.
Ehm I meant kde-unstable. Anyway everything committed (with archrelease) in
repos/kde-unstable-$arch. And finally I can us
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
hardcoded in archrelease, see:
if [ "$(basename $(readlink -f .))" != 'trunk' ]; then
abort 'archrelease: Not in a package trunk dir'
Pierre, can we change that line? Otherwise I'll implement the Eric idea.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
db-functions | 18 ++
1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/db-functions b/db-functions
index 8ac9e63..ae68f87 100644
--- a/db-functions
+++ b/db-functions
@@ -323,8 +323,13 @@ check_pkgsvn() {
if [ ! -f "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkg
>From 145604bf50eb1db47c543b33e8e4b91a4e72ebbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Scarpino
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 09:50:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [dbscripts] Add kde-unstable support
db-functions | 18 ++
1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --gi
> continue
Well, I didn't know that I can patch our scripts to enable [kde-unstable]
support officially. Or better, I didn't think that I can explicitly add a [kde-
unstable] case in that way because we should add a gnome-unstable and a foo-
unstable case too. Or am I wrong?
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On Tuesday 14 December 2010 08:40:52 Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> I still like to have a sign off for these. :-)
signoff x86_64
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On Tuesday 14 December 2010 08:21:41 Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> Morning,
> this is a minor update to the filesystem package and I hope we can
> finally move it to core. Only change is:
> * don't check if profiles are executable; FS#22036
> Please sign off,
On Friday 10 December 2010 17:48:20 Andreas Radke wrote:
> New upstream release. Please sign off.
Signoff x86_64
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On Saturday 11 December 2010 00:08:18 Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Hi guys,
> - also this needs package needs libusb-compat too.
> please signoff both arches.
Signoff x86_64
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
mber your mail and I thought that I replied you.
Anyway, I cannot update accounts because I am not an administrator on flyspray.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
ago to git and now I updated it. Can you release it?
[1] https://github.com/fluxbb/langs/tree/master/Italian
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
I got some request to add Italian and Hebrew languages to BBS. I don't
know if I should start to add languages everytime people ask me to add
Currently we only support English and German languages.
What do you think about?
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
signoff lilo 23.1-2 for both arches
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 26 November 2010 02:12, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> * icecast
> * kmldonkey
> * kmplayer
* konq-plugins
> * krusader
> * povray
* sonata
CC'ing aur ML
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 26 November 2010 07:14, Eric Bélanger wrote:
> I could take kdiff3
I took it from you and now is back to you. Thanks.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
2010/11/26 Ángel Velásquez :
> Yep I can take them.
Thanks! Orphaned:
* audiofile
* libmpdclient
* mpc
* mpd
* ncmpc
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Hi DEVs,
is anyone interested in mpd and his dependencies?
Also, I'd like to orphan:
* icecast
* kdiff3
* kmldonkey
* kmplayer
* krusader
* mpc
* ncmpc
* povray
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
fixing these...
> Missing Dependencies
> --
> extra/haskell-cgi --> 'haskell-parsec=3.1.0'
reported: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/21792
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
archbuild |2 +-
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/archbuild b/archbuild
index 55c4633..925d072 100755
--- a/archbuild
+++ b/archbuild
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ if [ "${cmd%-*}" == 'multilib' ]; then
base_packages+=' gcc-multilib libtool-multilib'
> the Arch iso installer fail? Or is it just for perfection?
I am _really_ sorry for this Andreas.
I thought that my help was needed here and a that a rebuild wasn't a problem
for you.
Sorry to Eric, Tobias and Thomas too, I hope that I didn't annoyed them
updating lilo, libusb, wireless-regdb.
Really was not my intention.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
- use package()
- remove from base group
- use tar.xz
please signoff both
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
- use package()
- add sh to dependencies
- rebuilt to use tar.xz
please signoff both
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
- upstream release
- new url
- updated source
- use package()
- updated make options
- rebuilt to switch to tar.xz
please signoff both, thanks
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Fix dependencies.
signoff both, thanks.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
t; that's all.
We have to use the package() function and to remove the ||return 1 stuff. I
don't think that do this job with a script is a good idea.
Anyway, count on me for this rebuild.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 17/11/10 16:43, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> This is now fixed in 1.0.0.b-2. So please sign off that one.
signoff x86_64
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
add SITPUA bit to logical block provisioning mode page
- fix '-eal' problem with vendor pages
- point svn:externals to rev 334 of sg3_utils
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
remaining packages to Unsupported and the candidates to [community].
[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:Repo_Cleanup
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
> * twinkle
> * unarj
> * w3m
> * wmii
> * wput
> * xboard
> * xdialog
> * xpdf
> * xpdf-*
> If noone wants to maintain them, I can do it in community.
List updated, but if some DEV is interested he can keep them in [extra].
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
this to work.
I committed a working subversion's PKGBUILD which uses db 5.1. I am building
it for x86_64 now.
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Andrea Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
When you install a package in a chroot using makechrootpkg -I, the
script checks for a PKGBUILD in the current dir. This patch skip this
>From 9de3b189660e8d9729f9aead0c9a75bb22aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Scarpino
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 09:54:16 +0200
Subject: [PA
On 4 October 2010 12:38, Allan McRae wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am in the process of moving the python rebuild into the [testing] and
> [community-testing] repositories.
Finally!! Modestly, we (more or less) did a great job here.
> There are still a few packages that need rebuilt (the various openoff
On 10 September 2010 14:31, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> sbackup
> valkyrie
> worker
moved to AUR
Arch Linux Developer
On 10 September 2010 16:59, Ray Rashif wrote:
> Could add to the list:
> muse
> Out-of-date, orphan, qt3 project. I don't want to send a separate mail
> just for this. If no TU adopts it I/you can drop it to unsupported.
muse moved to AUR
Arch Linux Developer
On 26 September 2010 12:17, Allan McRae wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to move the python rebuilds to the [testing] repo after the new GNOME
> release hits the main repo. So now would be a good time for us to do a
> clear out of [testing]. Here is a somewhat annotated list of packages
> currently in t
On 26 September 2010 12:17, Allan McRae wrote:
> qt{,-doc}
If I get no bug reports about qt, I'll move these on Tuesday.
Arch Linux Developer
On 15 September 2010 13:57, Allan McRae wrote:
> Signoff i686 on the basis that programs that link the libraries still
> work...
Anyone from x86_64?
Arch Linux Developer
On 12 September 2010 11:27, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Well, nobody is supposed to touch the DBs without dbscripts, and if they
> do, they must fix up the permissions (there is one rare corner case that
> dbscripts don't handle right).
Damn! I manually re-added a package because it was already into t
On 10 September 2010 20:58, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
> maybe we want to announce this again on forums and news to collect more
> data?
Arch Linux Developer
On 10 September 2010 16:59, Ray Rashif wrote:
> Could add to the list:
> muse
> Out-of-date, orphan, qt3 project. I don't want to send a separate mail
> just for this. If no TU adopts it I/you can drop it to unsupported.
A big +1 for me.
Arch Linux Developer
Hi DEVs/TUs,
is anyone interested to maintain some of these packages or I can move
*someone* to [community] or AUR?
beep (needed by lm_sensors FS#20802)
cegui (needed by smc which is orphan too)
cx_freeze (eric-plugins optdepends)
fox (needed by 4 packages in [community] maintained by Sergej)
Please sign-off both.
Upstream release, changelog attached:
OpenLDAP 2.4.23 Release (2010/06/30)
Fixed libldap to return server's error code (ITS#6569)
Fixed libldap memleaks (ITS#6568)
Fixed liblutil off-by-one with delta (ITS#6541)
Fixed slapd acls with glued data
On Friday 20 August 2010 13:09:48 Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> Hi all,
> atm every dev has his own scripts or he just doesn't build his packages
> in a chroot. Even though mkarchroot and makechrootpkg exist they are
> not straight forward to use and you need to configure your chroot
> properly.
On Wednesday 18 August 2010 11:06:43 Ronald van Haren wrote:
> so far I've seen people reporting the following chipsets to be
> affected, but there may be others
> intel 910
> intel 945
> intel 965
> ati 3450
After the update to Xorg 1.9 I had to disable compositing (editing
(more readable version...)
Hi everybody,
I am about to move the first wave of KDE 4.5 RC3 packages
into [testing] without l10n packages.
KDE SC 4.5.0 will released next week.
Please DEVs and TUs check if your packages need a rebuild (e.g. digikam)
* A backup of the ~/.kde4 directory before the u
Hi everybody,
I am about to move the first wave of KDE 4.5 RC3 packages
[testing] without l10n packages.
KDE SC 4.5.0 will released next
Please DEVs and TUs check if
your packages need a rebuild (e.g.
* A backup of the ~/.kde4
directory before the upgrade is really
On Monday 26 July 2010 20:45:39 Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> /bin/cp: cannot
create regular file
> `/srv/ftp/testing/os/i686/testing.db.tar.gz':
Permission denied
> failed to move repository testing-i686.
> is this
> I just wanted to add a package to testing repository?
$ ls -al
On Saturday 24 July 2010 20:04:42 Roman Kyrylych wrote:
> No problems noticed.
> I sign off.
Arch Linux Developer
On Thursday 08 July 2010 02:56:39 Allan McRae wrote:
> Well, no-one has mentioned anything...
Sorry, but I've really few free time in these days.
> I will schedule this for the week starting August the 9th. This is
> after the KDE 4.5 release but before the first beta for GNOME 3.0. It
> will al
On Monday 05 July 2010 23:49:19 Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Latest kernel is in testing,
> please signoff for both arches.
> greetings
> tpowa
signoff x86_64
Arch Linux Developer
On Monday 28 June 2010 08:16:06 Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> Could you resent this patch? It seems broken. In doubt just send as an
> attachement and not inline.
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
From 0633db1368d0e48eb79b4bad8477390ee6943468 Mon Sep 17 00:00:0
On Tuesday 22 June 2010 20:33:28 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> Upstream release, please signoff both
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
Everytime that I build KDE in a new system I fall into this.
Should be ok now.
From 0120495d9ff6729ca20bd9a0fef56f709738aa79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Scarpino
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:04:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] read SRC/PKGDEST from ~/.makepkg.conf too
makechrootpkg |6
slapd.access(5) val.regex explanation (ITS#5804)
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
- glabels
- linux_logo
- nss_ldap
- pam_ldap
- prelink
- pylint
- python-cheetah
- python-formencode
- python-sqlobject (needed by pacbuild, but does pacbuild still work?!)
- python-gdata (needed by pytube in [community])
- python-vpython
- live-f1
- sauerbraten
Andrea Scarpino
t none crash in the last
month. It's time to move it.
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
On Wednesday 09 June 2010 21:43:06 Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Hi bump to latest version,
> please signoff both arches,
signoff x86_64
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
On Thursday 10 June 2010 05:57:52 Allan McRae wrote:
> Upstream update.
> Signoff both,
signoff x86_64
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
On Wednesday 09 June 2010 15:32:25 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> Hi Arkers,
> KDE 4.5 Beta 2 is out and ready in [kde-unstable].
> The first beta was unstable and broke (KDM, KHTML, random crash...), but
> this one can be used for desktop use IMHO.
> You should already know
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
On Wednesday June 2 2010 12:20:53 Ronald van Haren wrote:
> strange why it didn't get uploaded... should be there in a few minutes.
Ronald, did you use the Pierre's script to update, commit, upload and release
the packages?
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
On Thursday May 27 2010 15:42:20 Allan McRae wrote:
> Upstream update. Renamved from pkgconfig to pkg-config as has been
> done upstream for some time now.
signoff x86_64
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
On Thursday May 13 2010 13:00:13 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> Upstream release, please signoff both
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
Or I just updated it :)
> So, anyone who wants to maintain bitlbee? surely there must be a
> developer/packager using it, because it rocks :)
bitlbee is orphan from time. DEVs seems not interested, maybe some TU is?
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
I'd like to package
[1] - http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/19494
Andrea Scarpino - andreascarpino.it
KDE Maintainer in Arch Linux
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