On 17/01/2010, Daniel Isenmann wrote:
> I have some problems in deleting the old dhclient svn directory. Can
> someone please delete the dhclient svn directory? Not the package in
> the package database, only the SVN directory with svn rm.
...and like ever I committed my changes...uff I h
Hi DEVs,
monotone 0.45, that is in [extra], needs botan 1.8.x to work. It is orphan too.
So we have 3 choices now:
- add botan18 to [extra]
- move monotone to unsupported
- (bad) build monotone with botan 1.8.x and add the depence with botan<1.9
What do you suggest?
See FS#17297 for more.
2010/1/7 Ronald van Haren :
> Hi,
> in testing for both architectures, please signoff.
signoff i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
2010/1/11 Andrea Scarpino :
> I saw the apr-util-iodbc in AUR, but it doesn't fully work as
> explained in this[1] bug report. So seems they are not API compatible.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47879
forgot it. with libiodbc everything is fine.
2010/1/11 Pierre Schmitz :
> Looks like there is nor real need for a conflict. I'll push a
> non-conflicting libiodbc package to kde-unstable soon.
these files are in both:
I saw the apr-
Hi DEVs,
me and Pierre are building KDE 4.4 packages, but to provide the
soprano virtuoso backend we need the iODBC driver that conflicts with
The unixODBC in [extra] is required by 9 packages.
We don't know if these two drivers are API compatible, so there is
anyone that knows if we can
2010/1/8 Thomas Bächler :
> Am 08.01.2010 09:06, schrieb Tobias Powalowski:
>> Hi guys,
>> bump to latest bugfix version.
>> Arch Linux bugfixes/feature requests:
>> http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/17538 # added blktrace
>> http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/17106 # finally added CONFIG_MMIOTRACE
2009/12/25 Pierre Schmitz :
> Here comes a new minor update to the zlib package.
> Package changes:
> * PKGBUILD cleanup
> * use asm code for i686 and amd64 (might be insane ;-))
> * patched Makfile to install soname links and set correct permissions of
> libz.a
> Note: As the zlib.net homepage
2010/1/7 Eric Bélanger :
> Anyone?
works fine. signoff i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
2009/12/21 Andrea Scarpino :
> Minor upstream release, Changelog:
> OpenLDAP 2.4.21 Release (2009/12/20)
> Fixed liblutil for negative microsecond offsets (ITS#6405)
> Fixed slapd global settings to work without restart (ITS#6428)
> Fixed slapd lo
I added "Packages: Testing" category to Community project on our flyspray.
Sorry if I should ask first.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Minor upstream release, Changelog:
OpenLDAP 2.4.21 Release (2009/12/20)
Fixed liblutil for negative microsecond offsets (ITS#6405)
Fixed slapd global settings to work without restart (ITS#6428)
Fixed slapd looping with SSL/TLS connections (ITS#6412)
Fixed slapd sync
On 15/12/2009, Allan McRae wrote:
> and an i686 please?
signoff i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 05/12/2009, Allan McRae wrote:
> signoff i686
> Allan
please someone signoff for x86_64, thanks
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
2009/12/7 Giovanni Scafora :
> I agree with Allan, all of us must always use ours development tools
> and we must building in a clean chroot.
I also am agree and I am peeved as you when I read avoidable (or
stupid) bug reports.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 07/12/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> 2009/12/6, Allan McRae :
>> So, we need a creative punishment for those that causes bugs by not
>> building in a clean chroot. It is too early in the morning for me to be
>> creative so I am struggling to come up with ideas besides beatings and
>> removal
On 05/12/2009, Allan McRae wrote:
> Anyone for i686?
signoff i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
minor upstream release.
OpenLDAP 2.4.20 Release (2009/11/27)
Fixed client tools with LDAP options (ITS#6283)
Fixed liblber embedded NUL values in BerValues (ITS#6353)
Fixed liblber inverted LBER_USE_DER test (ITS#6348)
Fixed liblber to return failure
On 28/11/2009, Allan McRae wrote:
> What is the signoff policy for "arch=any" packages? Do we still need
> one for each architecture? Or just one. If one, should it be form the
> opposite architecture it was built on?
I think one signoff for each architecture is the right thing.
Andrea `ba
On 23/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Hi guys,
> please signoff.
> rt2x00-rt61-fw-1.2-4
> rt2x00-rt71w-fw-1.8-4
> After signoffs, I will be moving them from testing to core.
> Thanks.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 23/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Hi guys,
> please signoff those packages:
> iwlwifi-3945-ucode-
> iwlwifi-4965-ucode-
> iwlwifi-5000-ucode-
> iwlwifi-5150-ucode-
> After signoffs, I will be moving them from testing to core.
> Thanks.
On 23/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> ipw2100-fw-1.3-4
> ipw2200-fw-3.1-2
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 24/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Hi guys,
> please signoff:
> tiacx-firmware-2-2-any
> After signoff, I will be moving it from testing to core.
> Thanks.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 24/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Hi guys,
> please signoff.
> rt2870usb-fw-8-1-any
> After signoffs, I will be moving it from testing to core.
> Note: see http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/16775
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 24/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Hi guys,
> please signoff.
> ar9170-fw-1.0-1-any
> After signoff, I will be moving it from testing to core.
> Note: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/16837
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 2009/11/23, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> Hi DEVs,
> I'd like to split akonadi into two packages: one for libs and one for
> services.
> I already did it in my local machine; I checked all kde-* packages,
> digikam, kipi-plugins, konversation, koffice-* and none needs
Hi DEVs,
I'd like to split akonadi into two packages: one for libs and one for services.
I already did it in my local machine; I checked all kde-* packages,
digikam, kipi-plugins, konversation, koffice-* and none needs
akonadi-server, so this update will broke nothing.
Obviously people who use akon
On 23/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Please signoff
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 22/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Please signoff.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 22/11/2009, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> nicotine
nicotine (hugo)
> beaver
> libpthread-stubs
> puzzles
move to unsupported?
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
As you already know I am writing a list of ours orphans packages and a
candidate maintainer for each. The list is really long (~980) and I
haven't more time now (I lost two days for mysql too...). But I
thought we can begin from out-of-date packages meantime. So:
bash-completion - (aar
> Duplicate PKGBUILDs
> -
> /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/arch-artwork vs.
> /srv/abs/rsync/i686/community/arch-artwork
> /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/deb2targz vs.
> /srv/abs/rsync/i686/community/deb2targz
> /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/javahelp2 vs.
> /srv/abs/rsync/i686/commun
On 17/11/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> I think that you should move it to unsupported.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 17/11/2009, Dan McGee wrote:
> As a side note, I now see Andrea wrote the patch, but Thomas committed it.
Yes, I read maintainer was still Dusty, then I asked Thomas to fix FS#17161
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
I am updating jackbeat, which is orphan, in [extra] and the last
release (0.7.2) needs portaudio from [community]. Still, jackbeat
provides pulseaudio support if it is built with; pulseaudio is in
This package is orphan, so I think is not a good solution if I update
it and add anot
On 11/11/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Can we have one more i686?
signoff i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 09/11/2009, Jan de Groot wrote:
> I see a lot of bugs getting closed with "Upstream" lately because
> they're not packaging bugs. This is not the way to solve bugs. The only
> bugs that should be closed upstream are the ones in binary modules like
> flashplugin or nvidia binary drivers. Opensou
On 02/11/2009, Dan McGee wrote:
> We have a thread going on this already from a few days ago where it
> was being discussed:
> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2009-October/014152.html
Well, seems Paul is interested. sorry for double topic.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Li
I want to remove slimserver from [extra].
It is orphaned and depends on perl-compress-zlib that is in AUR.
Any objection?
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 31/10/2009, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Since xorg has moved to extra repository,
> we will have broken nvidia legacy drivers:
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=139388&highlight=x.org
> We will see how fast new fixed legacy drivers will be released, if ever.
> As
Hi DEVs,
I won't to annoy Eric or Thomas anytime I need to put a tarball or I
want to remove a dir from ftp/other. So, is possible to change
/srv/ftp/other permission from ftp-arch to ftp-extra?
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 29/10/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> Changes: Create /var/empty in the init script if it doesn't exist
> already - sshd will refuse to start otherwise.
> Please sign off both architectures.
signoff i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 25/10/2009, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> I did not check it for some time. We are talking about
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/networkmanager/
> right?
> If you think it's worth it you can move it to extra.
> But we should find a name which is more inline with upstr
On 21/10/2009, Allan McRae wrote:
> Do you want to give us an explanation why this would be a good idea?
You should ask this to Olivier Duclos. I don't know why this would be
a good idea and I know nothing about esound. I only reported here this
bug because there was a closure request from 6-7 day
>From FS#16502:
With GNOME 2.28 arriving, it's time to make esound an optional
package, which is currently not the case.
Here is the list of the packages which requires esound. I think for
all of them that esound should be an optional dependency (except maybe
* bmp
* cinelerra-
On 27/05/2009, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> Its in a very early develepoment stage and its still in kde playground for a
> reason; imho its not ready for production.
After 5 months I think this plasmoid can be finally moved in [extra] o
[community]. I am using it and it never crash, supports wireless w
On 17/10/2009, Eric Bélanger wrote:
> Intead of removing the package, move it to /srv/package-cleanup. If
> you make a mistake, it'll be easier to revert.
ok next time I'll do. anyway I ever did it after ran /arch/db-extra
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 17/10/2009, Allan McRae wrote:
> Hi,
> I have created a list of packages the could use a rebuild but for which
> there is no hurry. These include packages without the arch in their
> filename, packages containing a .FILELIST file, packages with man pages
> in /usr/man or uncompress man and i
On 16/10/2009, Allan McRae wrote:
> Wow... someone actually wants this! I did not expect that given
> no-one adopts packages in [testing].
eh-eh, but I do!!
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
please remember to add permission to adopt packages in
[community-testing] to all TUs.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
community-testing is fetched but is not in REPOS array
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
From 8d5b50789ff7324619c178a076e9b04f60422312 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrea Scarpino
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 16:06:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] added community-testing to REPOS()
On 13/10/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> I vote for one list for all, the posts should be named such that one can
> easily filter what is needed.
+1. We should add [$repo] in subject
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 13/10/2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Eric Bélanger
> wrote:
> Would anyone have an issue with just adding those commits to the
> existing ML? It's already very spammy, I don't think it could hurt
> much
Yes, I also think this is a good solution. Add they to arch-
On 13/10/2009, Andreas Radke wrote:
> still alive. signoff x86_64.
me too. signoff i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
2009/10/7 Eric Bélanger :
> It's fixed now. Does anyone knows what happened? Only kdevelop and
> kdevplatform were in /srv/package-cleanup. I had to grabbed the other
> ones from a mirror (ftp://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/).
Sorry is my fault. I putted manually in the repo the new kde packages
Upstream release released 12-Apr-2009.
Please signoff both arch
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
2009/10/3 Andrea Scarpino :
> code speak
ops...this is for makechrootpkg
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
code speak
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Description: Binary data
2009/10/2 :
> /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/ruby-hpricot vs.
> /srv/abs/rsync/i686/community/ruby-hpricot
> /srv/abs/rsync/any/extra/memtest86+ vs. /srv/abs/rsync/i686/extra/memtest86+
> community/thunderbird-spell-i18n
> community/thunderbird-spell-ru-ie
> community/thunderbird-spell-ru-yo
On 02/10/2009, Giovanni Scafora wrote:
> Andrea, you have to add an appropriate pkgdesc for all of the
> package_thunderbird-* functions.
Yes I know...I only forgot they yesterday.
Added groups=('thunderbird-i18n') to -4 too. I am uploading they.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 02/10/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> See my last post, I seem to be reading only half of what is on my screen
> today.
Luckily I am not the only one distracted today :)
Packages look good, users warned. Goodnight!
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 02/10/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> The packages are still broken, because they all use a wrong manifest
> file. But I already wrote that in a previous mail, please look at your
> original patch and see which code you deleted, then wonder why this code
> was there in the first place, and then d
On 02/10/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> We can't do much more I guess. At least the conflict should be there.
added conflicts to -3 and uploading they...I am opening a topic on forum.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 02/10/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> It was partially broken before: ALL .xpi files have to be in
> noextract=(...) for it to make sense. And they must be extracted all
> separately, otherwise they will all have the same (wrong) .manifest file.
Ok, fixed.
What about "upgrade path"? Should I post
On 02/10/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> See:
> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-commits/2009-October/062928.html
> Giovanni, I hate to have to point fingers here, but before making such a
> change to somebody else's package, it should be discussed here. Now we
> have split the big pack
Hi all,
I will be inactive starting from now. I did 3 exams (wow!) and now I
am going to Milan for a week and I will not have my laptop with me.
Free to update my packages.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 23/09/2009, Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> Was there a so name change?
there is libtag.so.1.6.0 instead of libtag.so.1.5.0, but there are
libtag.so{,.1} symlinks who point to
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Hi DEVs,
I built the last version of taglib and taglib-extras, they are needed
by amarok 2.2rc1.
I can put they in [testing] instead of [extra], but I want to know if
some package needs a rebuild.
packages who depends on taglib are:
2009/9/21 Andreas Radke :
> http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/16215
> nobody interested? it would be a glory to drop this pkg out of our
> supported repos.
> I could just bump it once more and fix the pending dependency bug but I
> don't want to do the splitting and maintenance for a longer time.
On 19/09/2009, repoma...@archlinux.org wrote:
> Duplicate PKGBUILDs
> /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/moiosms vs.
> /srv/abs/rsync/i686/community/moiosms
> /srv/abs/rsync/any/community/xcursor-bluecurve vs.
> /srv/abs/rsync/i686/community/xcursor-bluecurve
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux
On 12/09/2009, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Hi
> bump to latest version.
> Please signoff both arches.
> greetings
> tpowa
nfsidmap: /usr/share/man/man5/idmapd.conf.5.gz exists in filesystem
/usr/share/man/man5/idmapd.conf.5.gz is owned by nfs-utils 1.2.0-4
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux
On 11/09/2009, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> HI guys,
> Shall i enable kms switch on per default on next .31 rebuild?
> Radeon will not work without this switch.
> Intel seems stable?
> Jan or anyone else any input on this?
I am using a i915 Intel and the only problem is that warning during boot.
On 10/09/2009, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> No this is just a small version bump, if it boots all should be fine.
Ok, so...sign-off i686
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
> Am Donnerstag 10 September 2009 schrieb Tobias Powalowski:
> anyone?
All works here on an hp laptop with a pentium M. dmesg clean. There is
some extra check I can do?
On 10/09/2009, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> I would like to add .31 kernel to testing, would you please signoff the last
> .30
I w
On 09/09/2009, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> My system works fine, i use KDE with youtube and amarok playing music at the
> same time.
same here
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 05/09/2009, Eduardo Romero wrote:
> I know, this is not development related, but my wedding is in a few hours
> and
> I'm a bit anxious. Oh, and I forgot, I'll be away until Monday, so the Arch
> Linux Magazine will be delayed a bit, but it will be worth the wait, this
> time I
> does really co
I update Developers and Trusted Users groups on forum.
I break from Developers:
- dp (Damir Perisa)
- ganja_guru (Varun Acharya)
- Gyroplast (?)
from Trusted Users:
- angvp (Angel Velasquez)
- bjorn (Bjørn Lindeijer)
- DaNiMoTh
- Neverth (Mikko Seppälä)
- shastry (Vinay S Shastry)
I update
I am still a TU so please give me permission on dev platform to adopt
my packages in [community] repository.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 02/09/2009, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> On 02/09/2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
>> Would someone be able to bump the package in testing to match extra
>> for this case?
> I am building subversion 1.6.5-3 in [testing] but for i686 only.
Ok, I putted subversion 1.6.5-2 built with ru
On 02/09/2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> Would someone be able to bump the package in testing to match extra
> for this case?
I am building subversion 1.6.5-3 in [testing] but for i686 only.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Hi, can someone add this address to blacklist?
-- Forwarded message --
From: Arch Website Notification
Date: 2009/8/30
Subject: Extra package [kmplayer] marked out-of-date
To: and...@archlinux.org
* Note: this is an automated message
buytramadolis...@gmail.com wants to
On 21/07/2009, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> I need some days to re-organize my things first to become 100% active.
Sorry, I found only now a connection to write you that I am still
inactive (8-10 days yet).
Everybody can update/fix my packages.
Thanks you all.
Andrea `bash` Scarp
Hi all,
I will be inactive starting from tonight to 26th July. At 9pm (GMT+1)
I will start my inter-rail[1] with 2 friends; we will visit London,
Amsterdam, Berlin and Prague. So this means I will not able to use my
laptop and maybe I will not check my mails too. I hope to improve my
English with t
On 18/06/2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> evms
> fluidsynth
> pal
> socat
> swi-prolog
> uml_utilities
built for i686
I tried to build wvstreams but it fails, also I tried the latest
version who fails too. It is orphan.
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 18/06/2009, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> gnokii
built for i686, please build for x86_64
Andrea `bash` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
On 09/06/2009, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> Date: Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 19:48:09
> Author: andrea
> Revision: 41997
> upgpkg: john
> Modified:
> john/trunk/PKGBUILD
> --+
> PKGBUILD | 22 +++---
> 1 file ch
Hi ML,
only let you know the repository kde-unstable is again active.
I packaged with Pierre KDE 4.3 beta2; at the moment packages are more
big then previous because we enabled the DEBUG build option, but we
will disable it soon: there are few vantages and many disadvantages to
keep it.
Pierre ta
On 27/05/2009, Eduardo Romero wrote:
> Well, if you are talking about networkmanager-plasmoid-svn which is a very
> useful and cool application, I say yes.
Yes, I am talking about networkmanager-plasmoid-svn.
I do not more use it, I back to netcfg from 2 weeks, so feedback are
On 27/05/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> I use it for burning CDs regularly (getting rid of KDE3 stuff), but it
> does have bugs - no critical bugs for me, but it has them (example: it
> hangs for a while after burning when I try to quit).
1.66alpha2 is out and more bugs should be fixed now.
On 27/05/2009, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> How about adding this to extra? It seems NM is very popular, and until
> it is part of kdenetwork we should not force a high percentage of our
> users to build it from AUR.
we could, I was waiting a stable version. what others DEV think about this?
On 26/05/2009, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
> Hi
> burning dvd data and audio cd work fine for me.
> I don't have a real showstopper bug here in k3b.
> You are right the k3b-i18n can be removed then until a ne version is
> provided.
Ok, if you think so...I removed it from [extra].
Andrea `BaSh` S
On 25/05/2009, Eric Bélanger wrote:
> I don't know how stable this package is as I burn CD/DVD very rarely
> but there hasn't been any bug reports/complaints AFAIK. Go ahead and
> move it back to testing if it
> wasn't ready for extra. I could help.
"This is a testing release not intended for pro
Hi all,
k3b-i18n in [extra] is incompatible with k3b-1.65, so it should be
removed until a k3b1.65 compatible version will be released (if there
will be).
btw, I do not think is a good idea to keep an alpha version of k3b in
[extra], IMHO we should downgrade the version in extra and move this
On 24/05/2009, Jan de Groot wrote:
> Could we please make sane commit messages in the near future, so we have
> an idea why a package has been bumped?
Yeah, this would be wonderful
Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
2009/5/11 Tobias Powalowski :
> Hi
> fixed manpath:
> http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/13764
> and bump to latest 2.4.x version
Hi, please take a look to this FR:
Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Hi all,
I will be inactive because I switched to a new ISP, so I will be
without an internet connection for a $time (one or two weeks).
I am an university student so I can use from 08AM to 07PM (GMT+1) the
wireless connection at my university but it is over HTTP proxy: I will
cannot use ssh/cvs/gi
works now
On 03/05/2009, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> I get this when I try to login:
> Error #23: User or group not enabled for login.
> What's up?
> --
> Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino
> Arch Linux Developer
Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
I get this when I try to login:
Error #23: User or group not enabled for login.
What's up?
Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Hi ML,
I'm having more problems with autofs package. I have no more a machine
which uses it and disable/renable hal to test it everytime it needs is
annoying and take my little freetime.
So, I hope there is another DEV who like to adopt it.
Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino
Arch Linux Developer
Hi here,
I received this mail from Elliott Cable. I don't know this man, so I
forwarded the mail to arch-dev-public.
-- Forwarded message --
From: elliott cable
Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 04:11:10 -0800
Subject: Fwd: [arch-dev-public] Maintainer wanted for ruby
To: and...@archlinux.org
401 - 500 of 531 matches
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