Having a weird problem in the latest firefox, and was wondering if anyone is seeing anything similar. (And/or know cause/workaround.)

When I shut down FF and start it again, the new FF window is a smaller size than the old one. But it's not just that it's not remembering the correct settings - it's actually doing something more devious than that: Even if I manually set the height in the localstore.rdf file (or delete the localstore and let FF re-create it) FF is *overriding* the height value in that file - with a value of 900.

Now that value is too round a number to be a coincidence - and it's not. Apparently, it's taking the height from the *smaller* of the 2 screens I have connected to my laptop (the internal panel - 1440x900).

But I tweaked my nvidia settings a long time ago specifically to avoid this issue, and they've been working properly with FF ever since (i.e., setting window at correct size) - up until the recent FF/xulrunner upgrade, that is.

My nvidia xorg settings are as follows:

        Option  "TwinView"      "on"
        Option  "TwinViewOrientation"   "Clone"
        Option  "MetaModes"     "nvidia-auto-select, nvidia-auto-select"
        Subsection      "Display"
                Depth   24
                Modes   "nvidia-auto-select"
        Option "TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder" "DFP-2, DFP-0"

DFP-2 is my external monitor (1680x1050), and DFP-0 is my laptop internal panel.

I haven't been able to find much mention about this issue - either on the Arch boards, or elsewhere on the Net. This seems to be the only reference I could find to it:


Anybody have any idea what might be going on here and/or how to fix? It's a pain in the butt to have *every single FF window* show up at the wrong size.



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