On a clean machine which had not been running postfix previously - i installed and started postfix with default configs without error.

This suggested something changed in the configs which I missed somehow.

Looking in configs it is clear that the variable


has changed and needs to be updated on existing installs or postfix won't run (see below).

  Existing installs need to ensure to change it in main.cf

to be:

  daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix/bin

Default previously was without the '/bin' on the end.
I do note that there are shared library files in /usr/lib/postfix but all executabled have been moved to the '/bin' subdir.


========================= Supporting Information ==================

---------------- Machine with mail server installed -----------
# cd /etc/postfix
# egrep 'postfix-script' * */*


# postconf | egrep daemon_directory
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix

------------------ Fresh Install machine
postconf | egrep daemon_direct
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix/bin

========================= End Supporting Information ==================

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