I feel I'm sooo close to implementing secured access to Arches and need a 
little help to get over the top, please. I'm running Ubuntu 18.04. My 
certificate is in and working.

I tried making a copy of 000-default.conf (with --preserve=all), changing 
the port to 443, and adding these lines as directed by the CA:

ServerName historicplacesla.lacity.org
SSLEngine on

SSLCertificateFile XXX.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile XXX.key

When I tried to restart Apache2 after enabling SSL, the complaint was 'Name 
duplicates previous WSGI daemon definition', so I commented it out in 
default-ssl.conf and tried again. Apache started, but I still can't launch 
Arches. The browser gets an error 500 and the Arches error.log has the 

'Daemon process called 'arches' cannot be accessed by this WSGI 
application: /Projects/prod/hpla/hpla/wsgi.py, referer: 

I get the same error if I try with http. My next effort was to rename my 
000-default.conf and uncomment the line in default-ssl.conf. Now, in 
addition to the error above, I get 

'[wsgi:error] Truncated or oversized response headers received from daemon 
process 'arches': /Projects/prod/hpla/hpla/wsgi.py
[core:notice] AH00051: child pid 83357 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), 
possible coredump in /etc/apache2

There is no new file, dump or otherwise in /etc/apache2.

For the moment, I've disabled SSL, renamed the two configuration files so 
only 000-default.conf is loaded, restarted Apache2 and things are running 
as usual. I get that it is at least partly an access rights 
issue. historicplacesla.lacity.org has been added to ALLOWED_HOSTS in 

What do I still need to do to what to deal with these errors? 

Thanks so much and happy new year to all,

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