Thanks Vincent, that worked!

On Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 12:22:15 PM UTC+8, Joel Aldor wrote:
> Trying to install another Arches instance on Ubuntu 16.04 server for our 
> v3 migration activities this week, but I encountered this error during 
> installation:
> (ENV) ubuntu@PHMARCHESv44BETA:~/Projects$ arches-project create 
> phmarches441
> yarn install v1.15.2
> warning package.json: No license field
> error An unexpected error occurred: "EACCES: permission denied, scandir 
> '/home/ubuntu/.config/yarn/link'".
> info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the 
> information provided in 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/phmarches441/phmarches441/yarn-error.log".
> info Visit for documentation 
> about this command.
> I was able to proceed with my installation and launch the server, but when 
> I tried to open the pages, the interface kinda looked messed up (see 
> screenshot)
> [image: search.png]
> Maybe it's because of that error I encountered? Hope to hear from anyone 
> here. Thanks!
> Joel

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