[Architecture] Streamproccessor - report in excel format

2018-11-26 Thread Jørgen Østergaard
Hi, Are there any plans of extending the pdf report output in Stremprocessor to either Excel or CSV ? Any suggested workaround? Thanks, Med venlig hilsen / best regards Jørgen Østergaard Phone: +45 5363 6732 [cid:31391d25-b727-4571-b9f2-a66d58180757] id connect A/S CVR 39611082 Engager 8

[Architecture] Additional roles on top of Active Directory

2018-06-17 Thread Jørgen Østergaard
of an existing external connected user store such as ex. Active Directory. The functionality we look for are intended to make it possible to collect or bundle security groups into a business role in the Identity Server. Thanks, Med venlig hilsen / best regards Jørgen Østergaard Phone: +45 5363 6732