
Have you also considered running analytics directly against the stream – I 
notice that in your proposed architecture you are running everything into the 
analytics DB prior to running model.  Dependent on the use case it may be 
useful to have real time analytics been run from the actual stream before it is 
landed in the DB.

Just a thought


Peter Evans

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Sajith Ariyarathna
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 5:48 AM
To: Sandalu Kalpanee
Cc: architecture;
Subject: Re: [Architecture] Solution Design: SP Dashboard integration for 
APIManagement Analytics and development of React base gadgets.

Its better to have a meeting to discuss regarding this, especially to clarify 
requirements and how those can be achieved with SP & dashboard.
@Sandalu Kalpanee Can you schedule a meeting for this?


On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 2:05 PM Fazlan Nazeem <> wrote:
Hi Sandalu,

On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 12:31 PM Sandalu Kalpanee <> wrote:
Hi all,
Please find my project description and the design as below.

The project is about revising the existing set of analytics implemented for 2.X 
API Manager products to implement with 3.0 API Manager.

Current WSO2 APIM Analytics Model
The current API Manager 2.6 version integrates with the Stream processor to 
provide reports, statistics, and graphs on the APIs deployed in API Manager. 
API Manager generates events based on its invocation pattern and publishes them 
to APIM analytics. Based on the defined summarisation logic, the data is 
processed. After the summarized data is generated, the APIM Dashboard can 
retrieve statistics from the analyzer data-source to the UI via the API Manager 
analytics client.

Proposed solution
After the summarization of API Manager data in Stream Processor, the stats will 
be displayed in the Stream Processor itself through the dashboard. The data 
will be retrieved from the analyzer data-source and from the siddhi store. 
Publisher, Store, and Admin stats will be separated according to the granted 

Issues Identified
Currently, there are some stats which use AM_DB as its only data source. And 
also, there are some stats which consume the stream data sent to APIM analytics 
with further processing using AM_DB. There will be an issue consuming data from 
AM_DB when generating widgets for the specific stats. 

Ideas suggested for the issue
1. The stats which use AM_DB data can reside in the APIM while other stats 
being displayed in SP dashboard.
I think this is the simplest solution we have and I am in favour of this. These 
charts differ from the rest because the rest of the charts show gateway runtime 
statistics wheras the charts which need AM_DB are not related to the runtime.  
1. The AM_DB data source can be shared with the SP in order to generate widgets 
which consumes its data.
1. A REST API can be provided for the data retrieving from APIM. 
Highly appreciated if you can provide your feedback on this.

I feel the other two options are an overkill just make this usecase work.  

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Sandalu Kalpanee
Software Engineer - Intern

Thanks & Regards,

Fazlan Nazeem
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc
Mobile : +94772338839

Sajith Janaprasad Ariyarathna
Senior Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;

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