[EMAIL PROTECTED] has invited you to join the scintilla-temp group with 
this message:


You are receiving this mail because you are subscribed to the scintilla-
interest mailing list. The existing scintilla-interest server, lyra.org, is 
currently overwhelmed by spam, so it can a week or more for a message to be 
distributed. While this situation exists, there is an extra mailing list at 
Google Groups called scintilla-temp. Hopefully lyra.org will be improved to 
handle the load. You may have received this message even though your scintilla-
interest membership has been disabled. If so, you can remove your account 
there and ignore this message.


Here is the group's description:

A mailing list to take the place of scintilla-interest and scite-interest 
while they are overwhelmed by spam.

---------------------- Google Groups Information ----------------------

You can accept this invitation by clicking the following URL:


--------------------- If This Message Is Unwanted ---------------------

If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff 
by using the URL below.


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