Dear All,

Prior to tomorrow's community discussion of Draft Policy ARIN-2019-18, I
wanted to offer some clarification and propose some language for
consideration to address questions posed on the PPML.

Regarding the question over the intended meaning of "non-connected
networks", I will clarify that I mean this policy to refer to re-assignment
to organizations and entities which do not receive connectivity from the
original registrant.

As such, I wanted to offer the following alternative edit to 8.5.2:

8.5.2 Operational Use

ARIN allocates or assigns number resources to organizations via transfer
*primarily* for the purpose of use on an operational network, *but may
allocate or assign number resources to organizations for other
purposes, including re-assignment to organizations and entities which do
not receive connectivity from the original registrant.*

Alternatively, and more simply, since the sentence referencing
"non-connected networks" starts with "including" and is therefore not meant
to be an exclusive "other purpose", but rather illustrative, we can remove
it entirely.  That option would read:

8.5.2 Operational Use

ARIN allocates or assigns number resources to organizations via transfer
*primarily* for the purpose of use on an operational network, *but may
allocate or assign number resources to organizations for other purposes.  *

**please note that the online version of the policy proposal reads "solely
primarily" instead of "primarily".  This is a typo due to originally
proposing the language with the word "solely" in strike-through text
(solely), which did not translate.  *

Further, I want to clarify, as the original author of the proposal, that
the key intent of the policy is to acknowledge that small and medium-sized
businesses have a need for IPv4 space, but often cannot afford to buy space
in the current market.  Legitimizing a subleasing market increases
accessibility to IPv4 space, and opens the market to business solutions to
facilitate safe, trusted subleasing practices, including keeping the
correct registry updated.

Thanks all for the continued discussion.


Kiran Malancharuvil
Open-i Advisors
p:  415 419 9138
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