As you are preparing for the public policy meeting next week, please review
two of the policies together, Draft Policy ARIN-2017-9: Clarification of
Initial Block Size for IPv4 ISP Transfers and Draft Policy ARIN-2018-2:
Clarification to ISP Initial Allocation and Permit Renumbering. These two
policies take different approaches to address the same inconsistency that
was discussed in the ARIN 40 Policy Experience Report presented at the
last public
policy meeting, the report is available at the following links;


Slides 10 - 13, located in the video from 6:30 to 8:30, are the relevant
portion of the report, questions from the audience follow.

ARIN-2017-9 addresses the inconsistency by revising Section 8.5.4 to be
consistent with Section 4.2.2, allowing new ISPs to transfer a /24 up to a
/21 without further justification.

ARIN-2018-2 addresses the inconsistency by revising Section 4.2.2 to
be consistent
with Section 8.5.4, allowing new ISPs to transfer only a /24 without
further justification. However, it clarifies they may transfer up to a /21
when documenting its use within 24 months, as described in Section

David Farmer     
Networking & Telecommunication Services
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
2218 University Ave SE        Phone: 612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: 612-812-9952
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