I dont think that ARIN has actually made any attempt to define "Residential Customer", but the term seems to imply the person, not the place. For example, If I live at my business, I think I could still be a "Residential Customer". I know under the old days of landline telephone that private executive telephone lines were billed at the residential rate in the tariff, and were not "Business Lines".

If you think it should be defined, I suggest thinking of a suitable definition and proposing it as an addition to the Policy Manual. This is the process we have in place to fix things.

My largest residential customer as far as total address space use is a /24 of v4, and they have controlled this space since before ARIN. This is legacy space and every machine gets a routable address. Unlike others discussed, I do know they keep their POC up to date.

I see nothing in the policy manual that would prohibit a residential subscriber (or anyone else) from holding any amount of address space that can be justified by actual use. If one decided to assign routeable IP's to every device in a residence rather than NAT, one could burn thru a /24 very easy in many households. I have customers that I have to set their mask to /22 or more because they burn up all the leases in a /24 of RFC 1918 space on their wireless router.

Albert Erdmann
Network Administrator
Paradise On Line Inc.

On Sat, 27 May 2017, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

In message <CAGkMwz6m67=BNTh2E=-Fe=jpdQjyBDK=_jjjl6hi+jbr6br...@mail.gmail.com>,
Scott Leibrand <scottleibr...@gmail.com> wrote:

On the topic of "what should the threshold be", I think requiring SWIPs for
(non-residential) assignments is actually what we want here...

I'd like to take this opportunity to mention again that just the other
day I requested (here) at least -some- clarity or clarification of the
term of art "Residential Customer", as used in the NRPM.  I did so while
noting that every legal entity, human or otherwise, "resides" somewhere,
even if, as often seem to be the case, the relevant "residence" is just
a 4x4 inch P.O. Box, rented in the name of overnight manufactured

I repeat and reiterate that request now.  What is the definition, for
purposes of the ARIN NRPM, of the term "Residential Customer" and is
there any limit (for either IPv4 or IPv6) on the maximum the size of
an allocation made to a "Residential Customer"?

I wouldn't ask, but I do believe that I've sen cases where so-called
"Residential Customers" (who later turned out to be professional
snowshoe spammers) had been sub-assigned blocks as large as (IPv4) /25s.

Unfortuately, given the definitional ambiguity, I have no idea if such
cases do or do not conform to The Rules, as already adopted.

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