Dear ARIN Community Members,

The NRPM Working Group is now focusing its attention on Section 6 of the NRPM. 
In reviewing the provisions of this Section, we have identified five areas that 
could benefit from simplification. Given the recent discussions on PPML 
encouraging greater participation by the ARIN Community in policy development, 
we would like to canvass the Community with respect to the potential changes 
that could be made in each case and to solicit any proposals that may be 
forthcoming from Community members regarding these topics, before the Working 
Group takes any further action on these items.

Since we do not want to overwhelm PPML with threads relating to each potential 
set of changes at once, Matthew Wilder, Brian Jones and I will be staggering 
the start of the threads relating to the various areas during November and 

The first email discussion thread will deal with section 6.1 and will follow 

Kind regards,

Chris Tacit
NRPM Working Group Chair
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