Hey everyone,

I did some crazy interesting reading regarding some people in the past 
(including some really bright people who have worked at RedHat :)
This included many funny/entertaining bug reports containing comments from 
Drepper vs Stallman vs Torvalds etc...
Some of the highlights from those included:


Then I went back and wanted to look at what requirements primary/fesco 
requested in specific of ARM here:


Anyway then I was really bored and wanted to work on looking at the source code 
to Anaconda
Little did I know that dmarlin is also doing some great work on the various 
needed layers to make Anaconda run sensibly on our platforms (I'm sorry for 
I think to, tho, that we are tackling different areas of it so we can also 
possibly combine our work later on and have a better result in the end 
hopefully :)
So I took a Guru from Jordan & Max and used Paul's computer since it has 2 NICs 
so it can NAT the WAN and installed pbrobinson's F17 on it
Without all of your hard work efforts (from the entire ARM community!) on F17, 
I wouldn't have even been able to test it or even get it running on an ARM 
device so thank you all as well! :D
Anyway, I know I may be jumping the gun here on how all of these things should 
work but I'm really trying hard to prove useful to the hard working community...
Basically here's what I have to offer to help out with the push to primary 
(keep in mind that I am by no means a programmer so I'm sorry for the bad 

An "easy-to-use", cross-platform, generalized, GUI Fedora ARM Installer: 
Some simple shell scripts to help us show the others of our current build 
status (error number/build times): 
The initial workings of Anaconda & Firstboot on Fedora ARM devices: 

With those parts above, some of them can be used in conjunction with each other 
(like the installer with an Anaconda-based image) to show our value,
Anyway, sorry for the long email,
I've just had a lot on my mind lately and needed to talk to you guys about it,
Hopefully my coding skills are at least able to help us demonstrate that ARM is 
a serious contender for primary as we're all working extremely hard to get all 
the parts in place,
Thanks for all your time and patience with my long (possibly bad) 

Jon Chiappetta

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