On Fri, 2011-10-21 at 02:37 -0400, Chris Tyler wrote:
> There will be an outage starting at 2011-10-25 14:00 UTC, which will
> last approximately 4 hours. (Services will be restored incrementally,
> with the x86_64 hosts coming up first, followed by the ARM builders).
> To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/UTCHowto
> or run:
> date -d '2011-10-25 14:00 UTC'
> Reason for outage: 
> Physical maintenance/rearrangement/rewiring to improve cooling and
> manageability.
> Affected Services:
> ARM Koji - arm.koji.fedoraproject.org
> Moji - moji.proximity.on.ca
> ARM builders:
>   cdot-guru-*-*
>   cdot-smarttop-*-*
>   cdot-panda-*-*
>   cdot-beagle*-*-*
>   cdot-openrd-*-*
>   cdot-sheeva-*-*
> Related servers:
>   hongkong.proximity.on.ca = arm.koji.fedoraproject.org
>   australia.proximity.on.ca = moji.proximity.on.ca
>   scotland.proximity.on.ca
>   ireland.proximity.on.ca
> Unaffected Services:
> Non-ARM Secondary Architecture services
> Non-Seneca ARM servers
> Contact Information:
> cty...@fedoraproject.org - irc://cty...@irc.freenode.net/fedora-arm
> jordran.cw...@senecac.on.ca - irc://jacw...@irc.freenode.net/fedora-arm
> Please join #fedora-arm in irc.freenode.net 

Rescheduled to 2011-10-26 at approx. 14:00 UTC.


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