Hey everyone,

I hope all is going well. I just wanted to post an update on my progress with 
the "easy-to-use" 
Fedora Installer script. I decided to write it in Python (2 & 3 compatible) 
using QT4 GUI API. 
I also realized that Windows isn't able to read/write EXT partitions so the 
format being used 
for install images are block-level device copies (i.e. a raw dd image). We can 
use Chris's idea 
of expanding the root FS partition size on first-boot so the user is able to 
re-gain any space left. 
The script is able to read from a text file online which can then point to 
various dd image links 
available for download so the script doesn't need to be updated constantly. I'm 
really trying hard 
to get this out quickly and working so that it can be tested before the launch 
of the Raspberry 
Pi allowing users to easily create bootable cards. 

The last parts I have to "hook-up" are the actual commands to dd the data onto 
the device. 
I have everything setup inside the script to do so, I'm just working out how to 
get information 
from the dd command back into the script for the progress bar and text status. 
I find it funny 
that the author of dd.exe for Windows at least included an option switch to 
make it print 
the program's progress report to stdout where as the Linux dd command requires 
one to send a 
"USR1 signal" to the process itself to spill some info. Anyway, it's almost a 
working script (assuming the image
files work) and I plan to test it fully on Tuesday when I'm at Work. In the 
mean time, here are some 
screenshots below and a link to the source: 

http://git.fedorahosted.org/git?p=arm.git;a=snapshot;h=31398dc7342197f088a229b0771cf9e717f12b1f;sf=tgz (.tgz)

Thanks for your time,
Jon Chiappetta

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