Accounting costs is the correct term. Most micro textbooks contain a
discussion of the difference between accounting and economic costs.
Alexander Tabarrok
Department of Economics, MSN 1D3
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA, 22030
Tel. 703-993-2314
Web Page:
--- Francois-Rene Rideau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the right technical name for what I call "accounting cost"?
These are often called "explicit costs" in contrast to "implicit costs".
Fred Foldvary
Classical liberal authors such as Bastiat or Mises teach us that
the costs that matter (or should matter) to people who take decisions
are the opportunity costs of that decision -- i.e.
the relative costs/benefits of the many options open to choice --,
as opposed to "accounting costs", that describ