Hi Stanley,

the USB flash drive was mounted to /floppy and the repository was available at /floppy/slackwarearm-14.0/slackware. The installer did find the package files there, and I was able to select the packages from the menu. I didn't mount the SD card manually, i was referring to where the installer mounted the RootFS partition of the SD card (in this case, mmcblk0p3 was mounted to /mnt).

Anyway, I was able to install Slackware in the meantime, using a FTP server as package source. So I think that the problem is related either to a hardware incompability with the USB flash drive or a simple hardware defect of the flash drive. I didn't consider this possibility at first, because the error message pointed me to a problem with the SD card and because the installer was able to retrieve the package list from the drive without a problem.

Speaking of the installer, I don't know if the behaviour in this case is useful. The installer quits telling the user that the installation was successful, although it wasn't; additionally, the important error messages that might help the user to find the cause for the problem just pop up for less than a second and then disappear; they don't get logged anywhere (neither in the syslog nor in one of the temporary files of the installer, which are created in /mnt during the installation process). I had to run the installer several times just to be able to puzzle together the error message(s).

Regarding the date problem: Unfortunately I forgot to check if this also happened after the successful installation (in this case it wouldn't be related to the installation problem). Maybe I will be able to test that later this day.

Kind regards,
Michael Langfinger

Am Donnerstag, den 09.05.2013, 23:46 +0200 schrieb "stanley garvey" <stan...@stanleygarvey.com>:
On May 9, 2013 18:33 "Michael Langfinger"  [1] wrote:

I tried to install Slackware 14.0 for ARM on my Raspberry Pi (Model B,

512 MB RAM). I used the installer image from http://rpi.fatdog.eu/,
[2] the
package repository is on a USB flash drive. The installer boots just
fine, I can configure my keyboard and set the current date without
problems. I can also configure the partitions (swap, root and so on)
the setup, set the package source and select the packages. The
installation process starts but quits after a few seconds, telling me
that the installation was successful (which of course is wrong).
before this message, two error messages pop up in the background:

"Error retrieving current directory - getcwd cannot access parent
directories: no such file or directory" and "/mnt/etc/fstab - no such
file or directory". I made sure that the SD card is writable and
to /mnt. I don't think that this is a hardware issue, because the same

SD card was used in this RPi with OpenELEC.

And this is not the only strange behaviour - when i quit the
the system date is set to the next day (e.g. May,10 instead of May,9).
have no clue what might cause this and how to solve it. I installed 88
key velocity sensiti
Slackware on another RPi a while ago, without any problems (using the
image from Dave's Collective and with a NFS server for the packages).
will try the image from Dave, but I don't think that this will solve

Any ideas?

Kind regards,

Michael Langfinger

Hi, it sounds like your mount points are incorrect, I dont know about
the date though? I tried looking up rpi.fatdog.eu. but cant connect to
the site as it seems to be down at the moment. where are you mounting
the usb package repository? You also say you have mounted the SD card
to /mnt, the slackware installer should mount the rootFS at /mnt for
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