I think what happened is that you did not install the packages using:
but by other means - is that correct? Did you go to r-forge? If so,
do *not* do that, because that is code under development that you
should never
Hi Carol.
This is very strange indeed. A couple thoughts come to mind:
i) are there filenames in the directory (rawData/MGH09/MoGene-1_0-st-
v1) that have strange characters?
ii) are there other R packages loaded that may have a clash?
To test, maybe delete your existing "probeData/MGH09,RBC
Hi Pierre,
I did change the command to create the cs object, but I"m still
getting the error message.
Error and sessionInfo() info is below...
Thanks much,
> cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("MoGene-1_0-st-v1")
> cs <- AffymetrixCelSet$byName("MGH09", cdf=cdf)
> bc <- RmaBackgroundCo