f the file that caused it not to work (the binary
> format
> > possibly causes NA values, creating the "missing value where TRUE/FALSE
> > needed" error), because as I said I've run this preprocessing step on my
> v3
> > data, using the same CDF, many tim
NA values, creating the "missing value where TRUE/FALSE
> needed" error), because as I said I've run this preprocessing step on my v3
> data, using the same CDF, many times with no problems before:
> 20141229 05:17:51|Background correcting data set...
> 20141229 05:17:
the binary format
possibly causes NA values, creating the "missing value where TRUE/FALSE
needed" error), because as I said I've run this preprocessing step on my v3
data, using the same CDF, many times with no problems before:
20141229 05:17:51|Background correcting data set...201
ll look into it. If the error only occurs with
ASCII CEL files, I'll add it to the to do list to troubleshoot.
Hope this helps
> and I used apt-cel-convert provided by
> Affymetrix Power Tools for this conversion. There are several error messages
> that come up when I use RmaBa
ed apt-cel-convert provided by
Affymetrix Power Tools for this conversion. There are several error
messages that come up when I use RmaBackgroundCorrection() on the file,
some of which are:
20141229 20:59:04| Cannot create CEL file of version 4