
Many thanks for the site and quick feedback to the discussion board.

I was hoping to get a little clarification about the difference
between these two statistics: Raw CN and CBS mean.

After running CBS I get the following data frame:

cbs  <- CbsModel(tumor, normal, min.width=5, alpha = .01)
fit(cbs, min.width=5, verbose=0, force=TRUE)
regions <- getRegions(cbs)
regions <- regions[[1]][,1:5]

  chromosome    start     stop    mean count
1          1    51599 25455929  0.0870 14665
2          1 25465716 25519534 -1.2750    29 ***
3          1 25519574 26308518  0.0994   369
4          1 26313794 27104892  0.4272   336
5          1 27108799 38042779  0.1022  6161
6          1 38044082 38063269 -0.6952     8

Where column "mean" is the result from DNAcopy segmentation for the
particular region -- which is just the mean log-ratio-value of all
probes in the region.  And I'm assuming that since I ran doCRMAv2 on
the data, the CBS code above is performed on normalized "tumor" and
"normal" data.

Focusing on regions 2 show above with trailing ***, if I run:

ref.theta <- extractMatrix(ref.average)
theta     <- extractMatrix(file.group)
C          <- 2 * theta/ref.theta

And then calculate the mean raw CN using matrix C for the same probes
in regions 2 used to calculate the CBS mean of -1.2750: does this CN
mean relate in any way to the CBS mean?  I realize the log ratio is
logged and centered around 0 for the segmented data, whereas, CN is
around 2, but aside from simple transformations can you help me
understand the difference between these two statistics?

Does the mean CN for probes included in a particular CBS segmented
regions have any value?

Many thanks!

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