I am from France too. 
I'm a Great great fan of ARR!!
Long live to our Boss! Eagerly waiting for his Concert here in Paris

----- Original Message ----
From: serge belier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Shah Navas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 September, 2008 6:22:02 PM
Subject: [arr] I wish ARR Sir will read this message of Love coming from a fan 
who lives far enough from his Mother Land India

I am in France since 1992. I live in the suburn of Paris in a place called 
Créteil (94)
I am a very strong fan of A.R.Rahman and also manage to go to London in 2005 
specially to attend A.R.R concert which took place in Wembley Arena.
I love ARR Sir music since the first time I listened to Roja. At that time I 
bet with everybody that ARR will be the best musician ever, many people were 
not convinced as they use to say that we can not judge someone on one or two 
albums. But I was 1000 % convinced that he will be the best. And now I am very 
proud of him and love him for several reasons :

        * He is from India (my mother land),
        * He is better that any musician in the world (for his excellence in 
different kind of music style, indian, western, chinese, etc... Other musicians 
can never be compared to him as they are not versatile as he is, even if they 
are known to be the best in the world),
        * He is very humble even if he is the best,
        * He is a great human being (for all his attention to poor people, for 
helping society, and fighting against disease, poverty, etc...),
        * I totally share and admire his thoughts and attitude of being a great 
indian citizen (as he wants India to become more developped, he wants the 
success of every indian, he wants to share his experience and his love with 
        * I have never been disappointed by him, my expectation from him (his 
music and his behaviour) has always been fulfilled by him.Being born to indian 
parents in Cambodia, I lived in Reunion Island (near Mauritius Island) from 1 
to 6 tears old, then I discovered this lovely country, my mother land INDIA 
where I lived from 6 to 18 years old (in Pondicherry between 1980 to 1992) At 
that time, I always wished that one day, the great country of my origin, INDIA, 
will become the powerful and richest country in the world. I always wanted to 
see in India, big high ways, big buildings, big cities (like in Paris, 
Singapour, London). I had lot of friends suffering from poverty, I helped them 
as much I could. so my dreams was also to see every indian living in good 
social condition, good salary, good way of life. I remember people standing in 
front of electronic shops to see "Oliyum Oliyum" on friday at 8 pm. These 
people could not afford having a TV set at home
 or a video cassette player. I don't want to recall in my memory people begging 
for food, it was very sad and it gives me a culpability feeling. Thank God, I 
think today this has changed a little. I know that there is still a long way to 
go, but I am confident, as if people reacts like our ARR Sir, things can only 
become better.
My love to my mother land allows me to appreciate the mindset of people like 
ARR Sir. I realize it recently in 2004, when I listened to the songs of 
SWADES which made me cry a lot as I did not have the opportunity to return to 
India since 2000 !!!! To compose songs like the one in Swades, one should 
really love India and its people. The fact that ARR love us (indians) give him 
a different height and respect which even high authorities of the indian 
government recognized. 
I never met ARR (except seing him on the stage during the London concert), but 
if I meet him one day and if I have the opportunity to talk with him, I will 
first express before anything, my love for India and its people. That will be I 
think the best way to tell ARR Sir that I love him like someone from my own 
blood, my own family, my brother. When I listen to ARR Sir melodies and soft 
songs, I can feel the kindness, the affection and love that ARR has for his 
fans and thus for me. Thank you ARR Sir.
Even if I am french by nationality, I always cried when I listened to Vande 
Mataram or Jana Gana Mana even before ARR Sir composed it. ARR Sir composition 
was the best and a great idea to reunite youngster for the LOVE of their Mother 
Land. That's great from ARR Sir to have this will, this wish to do so.
Truely, I have a strange feeling, kind of strong emotion, like if my breathe 
was stopped whenever I listen to patriotic songs. It takes my heart, my 
soul very high and that can make me cry like a child. 
Long live ARR SIR,


To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
CC: shahnavas.arr@ gmail.com
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 05:57:57 +0000
Subject: Re: [arr] Any fans in France?

Hi Shah Navas, U r in France these days?
Why are asking for fans there?
I just out of curiosity, since, I know French and I keep updating myself with 
any info related to France.

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 Shah Navas wrote :
>I would like to meet any fans in France if you would like to. Please reply
>to me.



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