
There is a difference in comparing the sound of ARR and HJ. The reason
why HJ's sound comes through well in most systems is his music is mostly
pop with pop orchestrations.  In that I must say that he has created a
very good pop sound with catchy tunes that will sound good on most

Now if you want to get the real depth of a heavy orchestration like say
Jaage in Guru, I m afraid you need more than a Creative 5.1 and MP3
audio. Only a real pure amplifier can drive such a recording and bring
out the nuances and depth of the orchestration.  That is a simple fact. 
I dont believe the recording on the Guru CD has done enough justice to
the compositions although I wont classify them as 'bad' in any way. Its
just a desire to have a higher quality of output that matches the
compositions, that perhaps at this point only a DVD Audio recording can
bring, that too only if painstakingly mastered.

HJ's tunes (I hate to call them 'compositions' as I always tend to find
some copying done in every song) are simple pop sounds with a groove and
a melody that are for easy listening and hence more appealing to most
listeners.  In that he has done and is doing a great job.

ARR's music was never like that.  Although from Roja, the compositions
have all been popular, only some people really get the passion and the
pain behind the compositions and expressions.  Unfortunately, the
recordings available in the market, though in a relative way are better,
they have never done full justice to a lot of his compositions in their
true intent. That Im afraid is the limitation of the market.


--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, Raghavendra KS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Guys I agree, but IMHO.. Music is not just the quality, the
daimond-clear sound that comes out of 5.1 or even a 7.1
>   The strong lyrics, incredible tune, the use of lead voices, the
limited-yet-appealing use of new instruments, a rythm that makes you go
back to that song again and again ,  the mood the song echoes is what
makes ARR a true MAESTRO.
>   Is there anybody here who would negate this fact given an RD BURMAN
song "O Maajire, apna kinaara" ? its decades old song, I could barely
make out the song coming out just from one corner of my room when i play
it on my system...but guys that song rocks !
>   Rahman has grown out of this HJ calibre now. As Rahman says in his
own words in an interview during the BOSE-The forgotten HERO, music
release : Its fairly easy for a person to do the kind of "urvasi urvasi"
or "mukkaala mukkabala" with some 10 synthesizers. But its tough to come
out with one song like "Desh ki mitti".
>   Personally I just loved the way Rahman has grown ever-since
Vande-Matarm. The kind of maturity and the tears his songs bring in
films like Swades, Taal, Lagaan, Bose, RDB, are just profound, well why
the hell should we care about just the ONE sound of an instrument not
being heard properly ? I still feel Rahman came out brilliantly with
quality-fast-numbers in YUVA, and RDB too..
>   So our Maestro has gone beyond HJ and the likes.... Rahman's offlate
songs are more concentrated on the Rich-Orchestra, use of voices as much
as 4-5 voices in a single song so aptly and brilliantly with the
Indian-classical tunes softly blending with western orchestra.
>   All I can say is ... if at all still someone thinks HJ quality rocks
... Well HJ ..all the very BEST and welcome to Music-direction world.
>   Rahman is no longer a Music-director! He is a MAESTRO, a COMPOSER!
>   cheers
>   -Rags
> haja nawaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>             Hi frenz...
>       Yesterday evening my frend came to my house and listened to GURU
songs..He heard the songs and said that the songs are nice and required
time to grow on u..Then he moved to the next folder (THE NAME OF THE
FOLDER IS "NEW FOLDER")and put a song (the song is "JUNE PONA" from
>   "UNNALE UNNALE" , A HJ musical) and atonce said " dei what a song!
this is
>   from which film ?" ( he didnt  know that it is a HJ musical) That
>   actually is a good song too...
>    What i m trying to say here is that he was attracted by something
in the HJ song that is lacking in ARR's one..Not much about the tune but
the audio quality...
>   I am not saying ARR has poor audio quality but somewhat less
compared to HJ..With HJ's audio quality even the moderate songs are
sounding great..
>   But logically , being a World Class Music Director ARR shud have the
highest audio quality but thats not true here ... we shud accept this
fact even as a ARR fan although it is harsh...I have already send a mail
regarding this earlier..
>    From his first to his latest albums, all HJ songs sound louder and
most importantly very clear..We wont lose even a single sound...
>   Tunewise ARR is king..he is more than that..but qualitywise HJ is
one or two steps far than our king..
>    I was heartbroken upon my frend's reaction..BUt i have to accept 
one fact that UNNALE sounds louder ,clearer and something fresh in my
CREATIVE 5.1 speakers compared to GURU
>    But i dont say GURU is of low quality..i love 5 songs very much in
>   guru but only 2 songs in UNNALE..But the latter sounds fresh
>    Why this is happening..He needs to surely look into this matter..
>     Guyz as a true fan we should not stop  at only praising the merits
in the tune  but also to let him know about the flaws in the songs...
>   Guys again i m saying that i dont say that ARR's songs have poor
quality or less quality ... There is no doubt he is having one of the
world's well equipped studio...but i cant understand y it happens
though...Again i m stressing on
>   " comparatively with HJ"
>      Ok guyz i m expecting ur comment on
>   this..
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