If you're an adult drawing breath in this last quarter of 2008, you're
surely aware of the state of the human condition. Optimism is remarkably
hard to come by, and for good reason: For every glimmer of hope to grace the
front page of the daily news (Godspeed, President Obama!) there are several
more signs that we're pretty well screwed (quickening climate change, global
economic collapse, rampant terrorism, and so on). There's not a lot to look
forward to these days.

Well, here's something: *Slumdog Millionaire*, the latest film from English
director Danny Boyle, presents the kind of hope for the hopeless that the
world needs right now. It's a pure feel-good ride, a color-saturated,
Dickensian rags-to-riches story about a kid from the streets of the
impoverished slums in Mumbai, India, who finds himself on the verge of fame
and fortune -- and love -- thanks to a stint on a popular game show. *
Slumdog* is a relentless crowd-pleaser, a romantic fairy tale that
celebrates the golden days of big-screen escapism, even though it bears
little resemblance to anything Hollywood has produced in decades.

Jamil Malik (Dev Patel) is one question away from winning 20 million rupees
(about U.S. $500,000) on the Hindi version of *Who Wants to Be A
Millionaire?* The show's host (Anil Kapoor) suspects him of cheating -- how
could this street urchin possibly know all the answers? -- and has him
interrogated (and tortured, in one of the film's few remotely graphic
scenes) by the police. As Jamal explains to the police the origins of his
knowledge, the answers unfold pieces of his narrative. In flashback, we
witness the young Jamal and his brother Salim (Madhur Mittal) wallowing in
the squalor and filth of the slums; the death of their mother at the hands
of a Hindu mob; Jamal's meeting of, and many separations from, his lifelong
love, Latika (Freida Pinto); and a series of skin-of-their-teeth escapes
from the gangsters and criminals that rule the streets.

Boyle knows a ripe opportunity when he smells it, and he made the most of
this one. It's an unbelievable but, in the words of the film's police
inspector (Irrfan Khan), bizarrely plausible story, and the film's success
could be called the same. The screenplay, based on the novel *Q & A*,
cleverly clothes a simple tale about love and destiny in a Three Musketeers
romp. Shot on location in Mumbai using hi-definition digital video, Boyle
marries the crackling energy and fractured storytelling of
*Trainspotting*with the disorienting blur of
*28 Days Later*. The dialogue is about one-third subtitled Hindi, but never
hard to follow; the music, by famed composer A.R. Rahman, is as lively as
the on-screen action.

And the cast of mostly unrecognizable Indian actors makes the picture:
Patel, known in England for his role on the serial *Skins*, has a quiet
intensity and the looks of a matinee idol; Bollywood vet Kapoor is perfectly
smarmy and patronizing; and Ayush Mahesh Khedekar, who plays Jamal as a
child (both Jamal and Salim are played by three different actors), is worthy
of an Oscar nomination for his irresistible energy -- he all but carries
half the film. (It should be noted that the contributions of casting
director Loveleen Tandan earned her a co-directing credit.)

Mumbai serves as a microcosm of the world at large: It's the second most
populous city in the world, a port city that doubles as its nation's
financial center, home to both unparalleled prosperity and abject poverty,
and the site of one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in recent memory.
But for the purposes of this tale, it's a stand-in for any big city -- in
U.S. terms, it's New York and Los Angeles rolled into one and cut with
post-Katrina New Orleans. And while some will complain that *Slumdog
Millionaire* doesn't fully delve into the true nature of Mumbai's seamy
underbelly (there's an India-for-dummies feel to some of it, in favor of a
broader optimism) it's not really about that -- it's a movie about life and
liberty, but mostly the pursuit of happiness. And it's ultimately about the
cinematic experience, the power of entertainment to make you forget about
life for a few hours at a time. On that last count, *Slumdog Millionaire* is
the best picture of the year.


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