127 Hours 

Directed by Danny Boyle

Starring James Franco

Why It’ll Win: Award show charisma. A combo of Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) and 
up-and-coming, superstar James Franco should rake in the Oscar recognition. The 
story follows the moments of Aron Ralston’s life when he was trapped by a 
fallen boulder. The next five days of Ralston’s isolation lead him to look 
closer at his life. He eventually has to choose between his life, or losing a 
piece of him. Literally. Psychological, brooding character studies are usually 
go-to Oscar films to look for, and that is exactly what Boyle’s film, 127 
Hours, depicts. 

Why It’ll Fizzle: Early reports have it as a “very British film” and cliches 
galore (“happiness is better when it’s shared, hedonism is bad, etc.) could 
hinder its Oscar mojo. And it’s not like outdoorsy-type films do well at award 
shows, such as Into the Wild. However, 127 Hours seems like a pretty solid 
Release Date: November 5, 2010

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