Whether you like an ARR soundtrack or not, to me there is no denying that his 
signature is always strongly felt in each soundtrack.  That signature to me is 
a combination of unique sounds, crafy arrangements, compositional complexity 
and unconventionality, soaring melodies, and passionate, thoughtful execution. 

When putting favorite songs from various albums recently into a compilation CD, 
there was strong consistency in overall compositional quality between each 
song, no matter which album the song was from.  Barring a few exceptions, ARR's 
signature is strong in each composition and no song sounds out of place in the 
compilation, easily identifiable as an ARR quality composition.  Whether one 
likes a song or not for other reasons is a different ballgame.  

It's amazing that despite the incredible diverse range of his music in terms of 
genres and sounds showcasing his top versatility, his compositions mostly have 
that unique, consistent stamp of his.

To me, it's a hallmark of a great artist, not just a great entertainer.
ARR is both...great artist and great entertainer, and he shows them in variying 
degrees for each soundtrack.  For example, most recently, the music of Delhi 6 
to me shows more of ARR's artistic/aesthetic side.  The music of Blue, by 
comparison, shows more of ARR's entertaining/commercial strengths.  Artist and 
entertainer qualities are not mutually exclusive descriptors, but on a 
continuum and subject to interpretation.

These are my thoughts only and I speak for nobody else here in case anyone 
thinks I'm trying to force an opinion!  

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