

Have really enjoyed reading all the comments. Once again the opinion is 
divided. Such fun. 

Though, those in favor of adding the song seem to be in the majority. So, for 
those of you who want it in, the song is in but for just ONE WEEK. You see all 
of us feel that what we released is what we see the film as. And that we don’t 
want to change. This is more like an experiment. A one week experiment. 

So the film will play with the song from tomorrow, i.e. Friday 18th July, for 
just one week. 

However, this addition of the song was possible only in India as the overseas 
distributor cited to many practical problems. So half of you are going to 
slaughter me. But please believe me when I say that I tried my level best to 
convince them. And I am extremely disappointed that I was not able to. Maybe if 
y’all kick up enough of a row on my blog that will convince them. 

But to those of you within India, I hope you enjoy the song, and I really 
wonder whether after seeing the song you will agree with us about deleting it 
in the first place. 
Am super curious.


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