
Read the below stuff in Mid Day. Not sure how many buyers are willing to shell 
out 525 bucks for the BLUE pen drive, but then the only positive aspect is it 
has 1 GB free space, the songs can be deleted and it comes with some  more 
stuff.  Indian market is relatively new for such stuff, but lets see how it 
picks up.



He has changed the way you'll listen to music

By: Janaki Viswanathan


Place: Mumbai

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T-Series chairman Bhushan Kumar would rather have you listen to AR rahman 
tracks from the film blue, on a pen drive than on a cd

posters of Kajarare, Kites, Wanted and of course, Blue (the reason why
we're here), stare at you from the walls of the T-Series studio in
Andheri. In his plush office, Chairman Bhushan Kumar waits with the
just-released pen drive and MSD card for forthcoming release, Blue. The
AR Rahman soundtrack is one of the first to be officially launched on a
pen drive and MicroSD card. Kumar admits that the format isn't new.
"What's new is our concept of preloading songs, music videos,
wallpapers and screensavers, and selling it as a product."

T-Series chairman Bhushan Kumar. pic/ Pradeep Dhivar
far, pen drive and MicroSD cards have only hit mobile stores because,
as Kumar points out, Indians are a mobile friendly lot (nearly 40 crore
cell phone users) and change their handsets often. T-Series is steering
clear of dedicated music stores because it doesn't want to land the
customer in a dilemma. The pen drive and MSD card, priced at Rs 525 and
Rs 475 respectively, would pale in comparison to a CD that costs just
half that price. "At a mobile store, the customer comes in willing to
spend at least Rs 4,000-Rs 5,000. So, he can be expected to shell out a
bit more to pick up our pen drive," Kumar reasons.

ivory white pen drive and a square pack displaying the movie's poster,
is attractive all right, though Kumar would have liked to play around
with the look. "We wanted to launch Blue's music as soon as possible.
We could have done a number of things, maybe shaped the pen drive to
suit the theme of the film. We can even make it look like a guitar for
another album, but these things cost money." The basic hardware which
is at the core of the equipment, we learn, costs Rs 265 per piece. With
a 40% margin provided for retailers, hardly 10-15% is what T-Series
keeps for itself. "As long as hardware prices don't drop, the price of
the final product can't," he says.

Piracy is a concern, although
they've decided to keep the pen drive free of a lock guard. It's also
re-writable. Kumar says he didn't want to restrict his listeners in any
way. "There's always an option to go online, download illegal music and
burn it on a CD. Loyalists who'd like to own a branded T-Series CD,
will go out and buy an authentic product. The same will be the case
with the pen drive."

pen drive and MSD cards have not been provided with a lock either, so
that listeners who don't like a particular song, can upload other
soundtracks. "Let's see what the response is like. We'll come up with
the VRM protection at a later stage," Kumar says. As far as he's
concerned, he enjoys listening to music while driving and got a pen
drive jack fitted into his CD player recently.

Response to the
new format has been encouraging, he reveals. T-Series launched 25,000
MSD cards and pen drives for Blue, and the demand, Kumar claims, has
only grown. It will now be replicated for all their big releases
including All The Best, Main Aur Mrs Khanna and London Dreams. 

T-Series ever consider getting into the ringtone market, instead of
going via a service provider? Kumar doesn't think so. "We have a
wonderful association with Hungama Mobile. We've been working with them
ever since the 'ringtone' fad hit the market," he says.

music company plans to take these new formats to the devotional music
sector too. Sampurn Ramayan will soon be available on a single pen
drive or MSD card. "It's the best solution for those who hate changing
20 to 25 CDs. Continuous discourse what more could you want?" he asks
with a smile.

And it doesn't stop here. Kumar hints at a new
technology that the company is currently developing, one that's
user-friendly. "I can't disclose too much right now except that it will
make an appearance during our year-end release, 3 Idiots."

Blue pen drive
Has a 2 GB memory (of this, 1 GB is free space) 
For: Rs 525
7 songs from Blue
43 complementary tracks: 
AR Rahman hits from Dilli 6, Ghajini, Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na, Slumdog Millionaire 
and more
10 videos
5 screensavers
20 wallpapers and a Hungama My Mobile Application

Blue MSD card
has a 2 GB memory (of this 1 GB is free space) 
For: Rs 475
7 songs from Blue
43 complementary tracks: AR Rahman hits from Dilli 6, Ghajini, Jaane Tu Ya 
Jaane Na, Slumdog Millionaire and more
10 videos
10 animation formats
20 ringtones
5 mobile phone themes
20 wallpapers and a Hungama My Mobile Application

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