All films that have good intention doesnt work well. Delhi 6 is no bigger 
than ROMs previous film RDB. To be frank the film is not that bad, it had very 
good concept but implementations of the script was very poor, Delhi 6 
has everything good music, good performance, good direction etc.., but the 
film dont have any soul. The film at times went Swades way but it failed to 
create magic as Swades did. Film had few funny moments.... First half was 
boring, second half started of strongly but climax spoilt the mood of watching 
the movie further. 
I am going with 2.5 out of 5 for ROMs Delhi 6.
Lastly if you really want to watch this movie...then watch it with closed 
eyes and listen to melodious BGMs of Rahman. Dil Gira was one of the best shot 
songs. Long live Rahman. 


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