Don't Watch the New 'Slumdog Millionaire' Trailer They will only hurt your

 By: *Brad Brevet* <> |
Thursday, October 30, 2008
  Ayush Mahesh Khedekar as young Jamal taking an afternoon break in an
outhouse in Mumbai
Photo: Fox Searchlight
 I am often stuck in a position of deciding on whether how much advanced
news I want to bring to my readers and how much mystery I want to maintain
for a film not only for myself, but for them as well.

I saw Danny Boyle's *Slumdog
and it is a very good film, but for the most part thanks to its
fantastic ending. That does not forgive the fact that it is not a film that
necessarily reinvents the wheel in as much as it taps into natural human
emotions and succeeds very well at doing so. However, I don't think it is
out of bounds to say Overture's *The
Visitor*<>does something
very similar, also with a story that you've been told before,
but never quite like this.

That said, the new trailer featured below will do nothing for you other than
give you more story than you want or need. On top of that, all the raving
everyone is doing about the film is also going to hurt any one that goes in
looking for a film wrapped in gold, because while *Slumdog Millionaire* is a
good film it isn't the end-all-be-all of films in 2008.

I do think Dev Patel stands a very good chance at earning a supporting actor
nomination for his role as tells the story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old
orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is just one question away from winning
a staggering 20 million rupees on India's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" I
also thought Ayush Mahesh Khedekar, the young actor you plays Jamal in
flashbacks, was fantastic. *The other great thing the film has going for it
is its pulsing soundtrack, a surprising mix of music that really captures
the essence of each scene. Whoever chose all the songs really knew what they
were doing.*

I will go more in depth in an actual review, but as far as what you need to
know in order to enjoy this film, you don't need the trailer below, all you
need is the paragraph above and hopefully in limiting yourself the film will
be just as good for you as it has been for so many people that saw it before
it became the "It" movie of 2008.
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