Hi folks, I check this forum periodically for updates on Rahman
releases. This particular thread perked my interest: there are number
of Rahman albums that could do with remastering, I think. The original
CD of 'Pukar' that I own, is badly mastered; almost like it is
clipped. Similarly, the 'Bombay' album sounds rather stymied; the bass
notes in "kehna hai kya' lacks lustre. (Perhaps, I just nteed to play
it louder). Similar problem with some of the older tamil albums -
there is a smart classical piece called "Maarghazhi" from one of his
earlier tamil movies included in 2006 compilation release called
"Introducing AR Rahman". This track lacks full fidelity. The origianl
recording must have been poorly mixed and/or mastered.

Any help with pointers to remastered versions of AR Rahman CDs will be
greatly appreciated. Good to hear that Earth 1947 is being remastered
and re-released. One of my favorite albums.

Thanks and cheers

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, Prasad Varma <svspva...@...> wrote:
> Thanks to ARR and the late H.Sridhar almost all ARR Cds sound top
notch with the exception of 1947 The Earth (T Series). 1947 is a
classic with  masterpieces from start to finish. Several fans of
vintage ARR would not hesitate twice to include it in their Top Five
ARR CDs . Unfortunately this awesome soundtrack is the only ARR Cd
that has an inferior sound quality. You can actually hear a hiss
during the quiet passages much like a cassette.
> I have a strong feeling that the issue is at the mastering stage of
the CD and not the recording stage. It would be really nice if this
can be checked with ARR himself.
> It would even more wonderful if the original recording can be
remastered to increase the brilliance of the sound and reissued by T
Series. I think there is a decent demand for this CD given the fact
that it is one of the more readily available older ARR Cds.
> It is not uncommon for music companies to rerelease remastered
versions. Anyone in this group have connection to T-series to make
this happen and bless us all with the divine music of 1947?


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