I know that everyone of us know of ARR's humble words but this time 
it comes straight from an interview rather than a cinema website, so 
I take it to be more accurate..

Here it goes..

Speaking of Rahman, there's been a lot of talk about the switch from 
your regular, Harris Jayaraj.

It's not a switch, because I am doing a film with Harris in December, 
which stars Ajit (for Sivaji productions). We work really well 
together. I think we're the only team that works really well 
together, because I know how he works with the other guys, and I know 
how I work with him. But I always wanted to work with Rahman, right 
from the word go, right from when Minnale happened – and Harris knows 
that. Yes, he said, "People will think we have a problem. Why do you 
want to do this now?" But I told him I need to do this because… You 
can always do a film with Surya but you still want to work with Kamal 
Hassan. It's like that. When I pitched it to Rahman, the first thing 
he asked was, "You have a great record with Harris. They'll think 
I've done something to that. I don't want to get into the bad books 
of people. Are you sure it's okay?" Secondly, he said, "There's bound 
to be tremendous expectation. We need to live up to that. Do you 
think we will do that?" I told him. "Come on, let's not worry about 
all that. What the film demands, we'll do." He's pretty cool – very 
humble, very nice. I think we share a great rapport.


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