Global Rhythms set to rock Chennai

Susan Muthalaly

International music ensemble to perform at `Saarang' on January 25

PERFORMERS IN TOWN: `Global Rhythms' band members will be playing during 
`Saarang', IIT Madras'
cultural fest, that begins on Thursday. — Photo: S.S. Kumar

CHENNAI: When they come with the approval of music genius A.R. Rahman, you know 
you are in for
quite a show.

Global Rhythms World Music Ensemble (GR), a U.S.-based ensemble of 150 members 
and counting, is
in town for IIT Madras' annual cultural event `Saarang' 2007, where they will 
be performing on
January 25.

The day before the concert, on Wednesday, the 13 GR members met at The Hindu 
before a lunch
appointment with A.R.R. at The Shanghai Club.

Artists handpicked

Srinivas Krishnan, co-founder and director of the ensemble, said the artists 
for the IIT
concert were handpicked to put up a show appropriate to the Indian audience.

The idea was to expose them to new instruments, music and musical cultures.

The line-up includes an assortment of percussion instruments.

Jeff Queen from GR is credited by his fellow members with developing Marching 
Band percussions
into a solo art form.

Jeff explained that the Marching Bands, a big phenomenon in the U.S. with 
almost every student
community having their own, had a military origin. He said he had incorporated 
the percussive
element — snare drums, bass drums etc — into their repertoire.

The Chennai audience will also get an introduction to the oboe, a woodwind 
musical instrument.

And then there's A.R.R. Sometimes, when new members join, they may not have 
even heard of the
Indian music genius, said Krishnan. But Rahman epitomised everything their 
music was about, he

"We don't want to get pigeon-holed in genre. We do Latin jazz fusion, African, 
Chinese and
Eastern European music, and Rahman's music is perfect for adding the cultural 
element," he

GR has done several stage shows with Rahman, including the 2003 Unity of Light 

Choreography included

The ensemble has included choreography into their act. This again has an A.R.R. 
because they first experimented with the idea while performing his `Dol Dol' 
number from

The Global Rhythms World Music Ensemble will perform at the IIT Madras' open 
air theatre at 7
p.m. Entry is free. 

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