Ya i did finally saw Him perform.

No doubt the crowds were huge, but i think the crowd was more of ppl who were 
hindi music buffs, and must have heard popular stuff. So, jiya se jiya and few 
of the gems like dheemi dheemi or khamosh raat (which went unnoticed due to 
film's limited reach) were lost on them. The arrangements werebit haphazard and 
it felt as if te organiseers really were shell shocked wid the response they 
got. PPl paying 1000 bucks were also standing due to lack of chairs( I was 1 of 
them- but who complains when GOD is performing). The end of show saw us 
hitchhiking our way to pune city as no arrangemnts were made for sending ppl 
back to city by muncipality.

And i have 2 say this- i knw some of u are gonna kill me 4 saying this- the 
sound was HORRIBLE.

They murdered the soundstage which He so painstakingly creates- many a times 
the vocals were lost, the songs were not balanced, the intricate pieces were 
being played but were not distinct. I have heard his concerts on dvd and i 
think they were managed MUCH MUCH BETTER. I read in one of the posts that all 
the equipments were not flown in- was it due to this?

Whatshud i say about the god himself? he sang beautifully well and kwajaji 
rendition was by far the 2nd most mesmerising live rendition i have ever 
heard-(the 1st one if u ask- was didi's live kuch dil ne kaha  on andheri 
sports complex in 2001). What 2 say about others- MAiya maiya was fantastic- so 
was hariharan and sadhnaa. Raja hasaan was a disppointment and actually kabhi 
kabhie aditi went a bit flat. Even benny dayal was not really in his 
spirits-(BTW No pappu cant dance?)

Who was that guy who remixed rahman ka best pieces 2 gethr? I m ready to offer 
all monies at disposal of sultan of brunei to lay my hand on that work. AMAZING 

Just felt that Bombay, Rangila, RDB, TAAL were bit under represented. But i m 
sure those who went home must have gone and checked the rest of rahman with 
much fervour(i.e playing other tracks beyond ringa ringa and jai ho in slumdog 

He seemed in more relaxed- was running to audiences and talking etc- liked him 
interacting. looked cute with puneri pagdi and all. Didi stole the show by 
rightly pointing to the so called educationist that he had put a TOPI to 
rahman-(In marathi it has similar meaning as of topi pehnana). she was all 
praises 4 him and he was humility personfied. The idiotic educationist though 
continued to teach him on stage what he shud do on the dias- These ppl wid 
money are real pain in the wrong place- why cant they keep their mouth shut 4 
gods sake?

Anyways, i ran frm mumbai to poona on saturday and stayed 8 freinds place to 
catch up with god. Every minute of his divine presence was worth the wait. Its 
an experience that ill carry 2 my grave.

Thank u ARR 4 being U. Keep blessing us  with yr pristine music. 




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