i've been regularly reading some Rahman, Ilayaraja & Harris Jeyaraj fan
groups in Orkut over the last couple of months. earlier i used to notice
some hardcore fans of each composer abusing other composers. LIke some
Ilayaraja fans abusing ARR n some HJ fans abusing ARR & so on. And ARR fans
used to respond to those.

But after Rahman's recent appeal to his fans to stay away from degrading
other composers and their compositions on the web, i see a positive effect
cutting across all fan groups. everyone is talking about peace, love &
respect for other composers. nice to see fans respecting each other.

never before have i seen such unity among music fans. there always used to
be "whos the best" kind of debates in fan clubs. now its all like "ARR is
great. IR is great. lets respect both" kind of talk.

Rahman's message of love & peace has had a great impact - what you guys say?
only hope this sense of unity lasts forever.

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