Its Memento not Momento!!!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hello, hello, hello. Took a few days to recover from my sessions with A.R.
He works through the night so I'm still jet lagging. By the way the work
went really well and I'm really liking how the songs are turning out.

As you can see the paragraph problem has been solved, so no more going
squint eyed.

Thanks a ton for the imputs on casting and title, some of them are really
interesting and I've passed them on to the director.

Hey those of you who have not seen the Tamil version please don't feel
obliged to see it. I'd rather you'll wait for the Hindi version. At this
rate there wont be anyone left to see what we make in Hindi.

Guys, Mira, its MEMENTO not MOMENTO!!! Relax just kidding, I know I need to
do a spell check but I'm really lazy and at 3am I'm not at my best. Ok while
on Memento let me also clarify that I said that - 'I did not like Memento',
which is very different from saying that - 'Memento is not a good film'. I
sincerely believe that film making/viewing is extremely subjective, and that
each person has his/her own opinion. And each person is entitled to his/her
own opinion. So I usually take care to say that a particular film did not
work for me, as opposed to its not a good film. Who am I to pass judgement
on a film all I can say is that I did not like it. Others may like it and I
respect that. Why Memento did not work for me is that it left me confused.
By the end of the film I had no idea who had killed the hero's wife? Had she
been killed at all? Had he killed his own wife? Did he finally get the guy
who killed his wife? Was he still searching? Did he have a wife at all? So
while, in theory, I can appreciate the attempt of writing a screenplay which
travels backwards in time, at some point I need to know what actually
happened in the film. And personally I feel that I should get the film
without the need to read what the web says about it, or articles in
magazines which explain the film. So for people who got the film... power to
you! I'm sincerely glad that you enjoyed it. But I have to admit that I
failed to understand what was going on, so I didn't enjoy it. And once
again, having seen both films I sincerely believe that Murgadoss has written
a completely different script and screenplay. Thats my personal opinioln. I
can see that some of you dont agree with me, but thats fine, lets agree to

Quite a few of you have asked me how I select my films, so thats what my
next post is going to be about. Till then.

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