RAHMANUM NAANUM (RAHMAN AND ME)          Behindwoods Team,

I used to feel enraged every time I meet an Indian who does not know or
appreciate who A.R. Rahman actually is, as I strongly feel he is a symbol of
pride for all the Indians. But now I feel sorry for those who do not know
him or ignore him because they are blurred by the view that Indian music is
'all the same, because they only sing and dance'. How gifted are we to live
in an era where we can listen to such music by A.R. Rahman which completely
uplifts us from all the miseries of the world. I do not want to undermine M
S Viswanathan or Ilayaraja for that matter, and what they contributed to
Tamil cinema. But here we are talking about the man who revolutionized
Indian music totally.
My music with Rahman

*To be frank, I wasn't a fan of A.R. Rahman (that is because I hardly listen
to music before that) until 2004. I remember sitting in my hometown's old,
cranky-seated theatre, where I saw 'Aayudha Ezhuthu' with my cousin. We were
supposed to be in our Maths tuition, but we weren't. :) I pretty much guess
that was the moment when Rahman made me realize what music is all about. I
came in for the show just on time, it started accurately when I sat. And
then I can tell you this- I hardly settled on my seat. I didn't open a
bottle of water which I wanted to do, nor eat any of the snacks. Just I was
there, my eyes on the screen, and I never took it off from it- reminder,
only the title credits were running at that time. If any of you would recall
the BGM for that title credits, you'd know what I am talking about. There
were all kind of

  sounds- the sound of cars passing by you on a highway, and slowly, a
haunting beat builds up, and then there was an instrumental alap, which,
probably for the first time in my life, rendered me completely clueless as
to how the composer was actually doing those sounds. Just clueless! When the
song 'Sandakozhi' started, I remeber being so amazed that I could clearly
hear that Rahman used the sound of a water drop (!) while the song's tempo
was slowing down. That goes without saying that AE has been one of the
fascinating albums I have listened to in recent times. Then started my
journey with ARR. Yes, with him. It is not about listening to a music that
was composed by him- but, the music he creates IS A.R. Rahman. It is a fluid
expression of the self, a man that doesn't worry himself with the so-called
'commercial viability' of songs, and just simply does what his soul and
heart urges him to do. That is why, Rahman leaves his heart and soul intact
with the music that he creates. And that is why what stays with you is not
just music, but Rahman himself.

My iPod is filled at least 60 per cent by an entire database (almost all) of
ARR's compositions to date. And there is one thing I always do when it is a
weekend. Considering that I had to wake up early every weekday, every
Saturday morning, I'd wake up, wander around a while, fill my empty stomach
with some refreshing coffee, pick-up my iPod, tune to my 'ARR Melody'
playlist, and then go back to bed, with the earphone well and truly sticking
to my ears till I wake up. Around a year ago, I had real trouble finding
sleep in the night that I was listening to my iPod and fell asleep later,
listening to Rahman songs. I slept 8 hours continuously with ARR's music
filling my ears. Not once was it too loud that it disrupts my sleep. It just
provides that peaceful slumber that you'd want. And it makes me have good,
imaginative dreams too :).

Now I'm a total music buff, and my command of Hindi is approaching 70 per
cent in total. Both are because ARR. I was born a Telugu, and only spoke
Tamil sparsely till I started listening to ARR's songs since the beggining
and I have taken a knack to be able to speak clean Tamil thanks to that.
ARR's huge shift to composing in Bollywood in recent years made me listen to
his music there as well, and indirectly prompted me watching more Bollywood
and now being able to fully understand Hindi, and only lagging that little
bit in terms of vocalizing. The reason I'm telling this is because along
with ARR's journey these past few years, I have grown along with his music
as well. And I have seamlessly noticed the difference. I used to listen to
so many composers who have been active in the industry for years, and when I
listen to them composing sometimes, one song in that particular film will
make me go 'I know where that comes from'. Quite simply, they simply repeat
the tune that they had in a previous film of theirs. No matter how good, the
songs lingers for few hearings and then fades away. It only stays in your
iPod as long as the season for the film exists, and it goes away after that.
Not ARR.

Be it during sad times, happy times, or just lumbering moments, ARR's songs
have made my day all the time. If inspiration I'm looking for, I'd listen to
'Unnai Kellai Nee Yaru' from 'Desam', if I'm in a happy mood, I'd tune to
what has slowly become my signature song, 'Endrendrum Punnagai' from
'Alaipayuthey', and if love is the mood, we all know ARR has given countless
numbers of brilliant songs.
Just nostalgia or more?

*Sometimes I meet people who completely criticize 'modern' music, and saying
that current music industry is less than good, and good songs only used to
exist during the evergreen, 70s or 80s eras (depending on that person's
age). But I respect them because it's their nostalgia, songs that remind
them of their youth and sweet times. I'd be tempted to say ARR is my
nostalgia, but he certainly isn't just that.

The questions is- what kind of songs will you hum? Love songs? Yes,
definitely. Hip songs? Yes. Techno songs? Yes. Devotional songs? Maybe. If
the devotional songs are songs of your religion, your faith, your belief.
But for you to hum a devotional song of a religion which is not yours is
really something. I and my friends are Hindus, but we couldn't resist
singing 'Khwaja Mere Khwaja' from 'Jodha Akbar' after we heard that song.
Even at the time of writing, I'm totally addicted to another Muslim
devotional number, 'Azriyan' from ARR's latest brilliant album for 'Delhi
6'. Not only that, it also has to be noticed that ARR, despite being a
Muslim, has composed many Hindu devotional numbers, such as 'Mann Mohana'
from 'Jodha Akbar' itself, which is delightful to hear, and also we must not
overlook the fact that ARR has also composed a couple of non-film devotional
Hindu songs. That said, AR Rahman is a living legend that has proven that
music transcends religion, belief, faith, or even ideology.

In today's gloom world where people suffer from poverty, war, religious
conflicts, and so on, which makes many people in the world lose their hope,
here we have a man named AR Rahman who gives me the belief that there is
still hope left. And plenty of it. If music becomes a religion today, I
believe 80 per cent of the Indian community the world over will be united.
It doesn't matter who you are, what religion you are, what country you are
from, what language you speak, what caste you are, what social class you
belong to, music touches you and me in a similar way, and AR Rahman is a
pioneer is building those threads among us. I have made many friends solely
due to our appreciation of ARR.

It goes without saying, the moment ARR won the best original score in the
Golden Globes, messages were sent all over among ARR fans across the world-
and without doubt, there were millions of them. I have exchanging messages
of the award news in an instance after the awards were announced, even
though I was at my workplace at the given time. I don't think even such big
stars such as Tom Cruise would have created such an instant excitement once
they have won any award in their lives, even an Oscar. Their near relatives
or friends might have been instantly excited by such news, but their fans
won't be too excited until they hear official news, and would definitely not
exchange messages at such speed. AR Rahman was just that- a pride for the
entire country.

And so it was rightly said by Rahman himself during the award ceremony-
'above all, for the billion people in India.'

And for that I salute AR Rahman and I selfishly wish he continues composing
for a long time to come, because his songs puts a smile across my face even
when the events of my life leaves me with little reason to smile.

'Ye Rahman He Mere Yaar, Bas Ihsq Mohabatt Pyaar'

(This is Rahman, and he's only love, nothing more, nothing less)

Ram Anand (Malaysia)


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