I think, I know what you are saying!!  :)

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "ichord" <purev...@...> wrote:
> Alright, for the first time, I don't know where to begin or what to say.  
> Nothing I say will do justice to the type of divine music that I have been 
> hearing all day today in AR's new soundtrack, Couple's Retreat.  Well, 
> anyway, here's an attempt.....
> First of all, when I got wind that ARR would be doing this soundtrack for 
> this movie, I didn't really know what to expect.  I knew that AR would likely 
> compose light hearted tunes, since this was romantic comedy.  In fact, 
> there's lots of music in this album of the kind that I expected to hear.  
> However, what I didn't so much expect and what has completely blown me over 
> are 2 things:
> 1) The range and sweetness of sounds in this soundtrack and the almost 
> exclusively acoustic nature of the soundtrack, something I have been craving 
> for from ARR.  Didn't expect this in Couple's Retreat, but that's ARR for 
> you....expected the unexpected!  I expected more of a typical hollywoodish 
> score with some hip hop and spanish type of music consistent with a comedy, 
> but no way did I expect this....totally and completely blown away!!!
> 2) The enormous range of global sounds including some very Asian and Indian 
> percussion, styles, instrumentation, alaaps, etc.  Now, that was a big 
> surprise, but not really surprising, if you know what I mean!!!  After 
> hearing Rahman say that there would be "a touch of Indian-ness in this 
> soundtrack", I knew we would be hearing some influences, but to the extent 
> and depth and beauty of the range of sounds, instrumentation, the craftiness 
> of each composition, the unpredictability within the compositions, this I 
> never predicted!!! 
> And you know what?  Despite all the range and variety that we're hearing in 
> this album from a sound and genre perspective, the whole album sounds 
> coherent to me....there is a strong thread largely bound by the sweet melody 
> from John and Cynthia's Suite that weaves in and out of the whole soundtrack 
> in various avatars.  
> Mindblowing........amazing.........beautiful.......glorious.....enchanting 
> .......scintillating..........I'm trying to find the right word, but nothing 
> will match up to what I feel about this music.......
> I just can't believe the amount of acoustic instruments he has used for this 
> soundtrack from both East and West genres......I could go into detail about 
> this now, but I think you understand what I'm saying.  Listen to this 
> soundtrack on headphones and you will know what I mean!!!!  
> Ok, you wanna talk about sound quality?  Here we are listening to only 192 
> kbps an we're still loving it all.  The overall light treatment of the 
> soundtrack gives a lot of breathing room in the music with beautiful 
> dynamics, both loud and soft shades bowing in and out like a true artiste 
> would create a painting or a sculpture with various shades and hues.  
> Finally, I'm thinking that the music is quite serious in parts for a romantic 
> comedy!!!  Will be interesting to see how these gorgeous sound sculptures are 
> used in the film.
> I tell you what, traditional, conservative hollywood snobs may scoff at such 
> an album...those who only appreciate Stephen Speilberg type symphonic scores, 
> but any open minded lover of global music and instrumentation from both East 
> and West will absolutely adore this soundtrack.  Don't be surprised to hear 
> bad reviews of this soundtrack from traditional hollywood people who only 
> appreciate symphonic type or Western oriented scores.
> Never expected such a large representation of the orient in this soundtrack, 
> so beautifully and seamlessly carved and crafted within the backdrop of sweet 
> symphonies and melodies.  
> Sorry for the long winded post, but I was just gushing with excitement and 
> happiness after listening to Couple's Retreat.  This album is an absolute 
> highlight of ARR's career and what a way to smash into hollywood with this.  
> In all honesty, I have never heard in my life as beautiful a musically global 
> album as this one.  ARR, you are unbelievable....your legend continues and 
> continues to get bigger......I BOW TO 
> THEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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