Thanks brother Sreekrishnan, 
For your prompt reply.  I am really grateful to you.  Although I am also a fan 
of Sir ARR for last 12-13 years.  But I didn,t had any perfect means to know 
about his working and releases, as I am not having PC at my home nor I had a 
cable connection to our TV.  Only through my school friends I use to get 
information to some extent.   
Now I am a working person and I check my mails in office. It is 3 months back 
when I luckily came across this group and joined.  I felt so happy as I got my 
second family where all the members as like me, loves Sir ARR and his music. It 
is from then I am gathering all his works and trying to purchase which are 
available.  Before 3 months I was completely unknown about PFMB, One Love, JGM. 
But I now I am having all of these.  Thanks to the group and the almighty that 
happened me to connect this group.  
As brother Sreekrishnan wrote, I urge all the group members, if anyone knows, 
the availability of the CDs in stores of the undermention albums.  Please let 
me know.  
In this world of hatred, poverty and ignorance, some elements sent by GOD are 
working for the upliftment of human race.  I know Sir ARRs music is one of 
Thanks & Regards


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