I totally agree with u. I mean if it was a bad song, then it wouldn't have been 
so painful for us, but it's a pretty good song, and they are trying to make a 
mockery out of it. And also what's with the media trying to exploit the 5.5 
crore payment of ARR. He's been paid more than this before in more than one 

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, Roshan <c.pix...@...> wrote:
> it was just impossible not to notice the kind of zeal and enthusiasm from
> the entire media in India to brand AR rahman as mediocre these days.
> the problem is, I believe it is also a reflection of the general mentality
> of the people in India.  I might be wrong. But it seems to me that most of
> the Indians for some reason (it might be a cultural thing)  don't like
> someone they love to become famous.  The moment they find international
> stardom, indian media starts using everything in their power to give them a
> totally negative image.
> and when media starts saying stuff like that, the rest of the general public
> will join in.  because most of the people have this "if it is on TV, it has
> to be true" thing.  And, with time it has turned into "if it is on internet,
> it has to be true" thing.
> It's not just AR Rahman though.  Amitabh bachan (constantly under the media
> radar and bad press),  Aishwarya Rai bachan.. well the entire Bachan
> Khandaan.
> Ilaya Raja ( I remember reading about some actor claiming that the down fall
> of Ilayaraja was his arrogance),  Vishwanathan Anand, most of the cricket
> players, Shashi Taroor - sorry to bring up a politician's name.. but his
> tweets have become quiet notorious for all the wrong reasons.  it's just
> that media couldn't understand a thing he was saying.  they took it quiet
> literally.
> This thing was inevitable. and we could all feel it coming.  even members in
> our group had started bashing his music vigorously in the past 2 or three
> years.
> now in the next few years, Ar RAhman's music will be under constant
> scrutiny  by the media and those who don't like him will joyously join the
> parade.
> We are going to see a lot more of bad press on AR pretty soon.  even if the
> songs in the upcoming albums are phenomenal, they will call it mediocre.
> mark my word.
> this is how the media works.  they like underdogs.  because it gives them a
> story to write about.  media loved AR when he was known only in India.
> they praised his songs and bashed Ilayaraja and the rest of the musicians.
> now it is time for AR to be in the receiving end.
> now we have to see how AR and his team will handle such things.
> I still think that taking up the CWG theme song project was probably a bad
> decision.  but no one anticipated it.
> quiet sad to see such a great song being criticized and called mediocre just
> because the musician is famous!

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