Much like 2003's City of God, Slumdog Millionaire plunges the audience into
unfamiliar territory and provides a cultural contemplation that leaves you
wanting more after it ends. Director Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days
Later, Sunshine) hurls his camera into interesting areas and extracts moving
performances from his lead characters; at the same time, the film almost has
a documentary feel to it because it is so genuine.

Slumdog Millionaire
Director: Danny Boyle
Starring: Dev Patel, Freida Pinto, Anil Kapoor

Set and shot in India, the story revolves around an 18-year-old uneducated
"slumdog" named Jamal Malik, who is on the Hindi version of "Who Wants To Be
A Millionaire?" If you're doubting the quality of the movie based on that
plot description, you aren't the only one: I thought the same thing before I
saw the movie. Seriously, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" But trust me -
the structure of this movie is so awesome that it isn't even an issue. It
actually becomes one of the coolest aspects of the film, because every time
Jamal is asked a question on the show, there is a flashback to personal
experiences that reveals how he knows the answer.

I really can't recommend this highly enough. It reminds me of Wristcutters:
A Love Story from last year, a little-known independent film that I ranked
as my favorite movie of the year. The story for Slumdog Millionaire is, in
its most basic form, a love story between Jamal and a girl he meets as a
child named Latika. He gets on the show because he knows she will be
watching (the whole country becomes enamored with the program when they find
out that this uneducated kid is rocking it so hard) and uses it as an
opportunity to reconnect with her after years of tumultuous times.

The cinematography is incredible. The filmmakers used lightweight digital
prototype cameras to have the maneuverability necessary to move around in
some of those tight spaces in the slums of India, and the results are
definitely worth checking out. The editing is great, lending well to Boyle's
intense style. But the soundtrack is what really has people talking,
featuring a fantastic pulsating mix of songs by composer A.R. Rahman and
even features "Paper Planes" by

This is one of those rare films that pulls you in from the moment it begins
and doesn't allow you to even consider stepping away from it. I was utterly
captivated the entire time and completely invested emotionally. When Jamal
is asked the final question on "WWTBAM," I was on the edge of my seat. The
relationship between Jamal and Latika is essentially a modern-day fairy
tale: would these series of coincidences actually happen in real life?
Probably not, but we don't care - the movie captures a sense of joy and
translates it directly to the audience in a way that makes me remember why I
love movies so much in the first place. Truly a triumphant celebration of
life and destiny, Slumdog Millionaire succeeds for all the right reasons and
proves once again the versatility of its director. This is a must-see. Until
next time...

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