Deepa Mehta`s `Water` stuns Pakistan
Source: IANS. Image Source: IndiaFM

Mumbai, Jan 20: Deepa Mehta got an overwhelming response when her splendidly sublime `Water` was screened in the Pakistani city of Karachi.

"There were people sobbing at the end of the film. They don`t know the plight of Hindu widows. But they completely understood the climate, context and geo-politics," Deepa told IANS.

"At the Q & A session after the film, I was stunned when women told me, `We don`t have widows like those in your film. But the plight of our divorced women is much, much worse.` I think cinema needs to grow wings, acquire a significance beyond entertainment."

Interestingly, Deepa held fort in Karachi on her own. A lot of people wondered why her lead pair John Abraham and Lisa Ray didn`t accompany her.


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But John was recovering from an attack of typhoid and Lisa was busy with her international assignments.

"That`s ok," Deepa said generously. "The important thing is, the message of `Water` is getting across. I just want the film to be released in India now," she said.

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