ARERR [9215]

2007-02-27 Thread awaner
Some times we encounter 9215 error. At web client, the message is "Message not found", in mid tier log, stack trace is: 2007-2-28 14:51:39 com.remedy.arsys.log.Log log 严重: GoatException during NDXRequest: ARERR [9215] 内部错误。 at com.remedy.arsys.backchannel.NDXRequest$ Source) at

Help! JVM Crash

2007-02-27 Thread awaner
Some times the Tomcat crashed, our environment is: ARS Server: 7.0 patch 02 OS: linux AS3.0 MidTier: 7.0 patch 02 OS: linux AS3.0 JRE: 1.5.0_10 The following is the core dump stack trace, more detail pls see the attachment. Thx. Stack: [0x2e5f6000,0x2e677000), sp=0x2e674a64, free space=506k Na